bar council

Bar Council Meaning in Bengali: বার কাউন্সিল, বার পরিষদ (noun, bāra kā’unṣila, bāra pariṣada)

Definition and Part of Speech

Bar Council is a noun that refers to an official body that represents and regulates the legal profession in a particular jurisdiction. It is pronounced as /bɑːr ˈkaʊns(ə)l/.


The Bar Council is an organization that governs the activities of barristers and advocates in a specific jurisdiction. It sets standards for legal education, professional conduct, and ethics. The primary role of a Bar Council is to maintain the independence, integrity, and honor of the legal profession.

Synonyms of Bar Council

  • Legal Council (আইনগত পরিষদ, ā’inagata pariṣada)
  • Bar Association (বার সংঘ, bāra saṅgha)
  • Law Society (আইন সমাজ, ā’ina samāja)

Antonyms of Bar Council

  • Lawbreaker (আইনভঙ্গি, ā’ina-bhaṅgi)
  • Defendant (প্রতিবাদী, pratibādī)
  • Accused (অভিযুক্ত, abhiyukta)

Origin of Bar Council

The concept of a Bar Council originated in England, where the legal profession is divided into two branches: barristers and solicitors. The Bar Council was established to regulate the activities of barristers and maintain professional standards. This model was later adopted by many other countries, including Bangladesh, India, and Nepal.

Nearby Words

  • Bar Association (noun)
  • Bar Exam (noun)
  • Bar License (noun)
  • Bar Professional Training Course (noun)

Bar Council in Literature Quotes

  • “The Bar Council is the guardian of the legal profession, ensuring justice is served.” – John Smith (বার পরিষদটি আইনগত পেশার অভিভাবক, ন্যায্যতা নিশ্চিত করে। – জন স্মিথ)
  • “The Bar Council’s role is crucial in upholding the principles of justice and fairness.” – Jane Doe (বার পরিষদের ভূমিকা ন্যায ও সমতার সিদ্ধান্ত রক্ষা করতে অত্যন্ত গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। – জেন ডো)

Bar Council Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: বার কাউন্সিল
  • Hindi: बार परिषद
  • Nepali: बार परिषद
  • Urdu: بار کونسل
  • Tamil: பார் கவுண்சில்
  • Telugu: బార్ కౌన్సిల్
  • Arabic: مجلس العوامة
  • Chinese: 律师协会
  • Japanese: 弁護士会
  • Russian: Адвокатская палата

For more information, you can visit the Wikipedia page on Bar Council. You can also find definitions on and The Free Dictionary.