
Barbarity Meaning in Bengali: অমানুষিকতা, ক্রূরতা, বর্বরতা (noun, pronunciation: bɑːˈbær.ə.ti)

Definition of Barbarity

Barbarity refers to extreme cruelty or brutality. It is the act of behaving in a savage or inhumane manner, often characterized by violence, aggression, or a lack of empathy.

Synonyms of Barbarity

1. Cruelty – ক্রূরতা (noun)
2. Savagery – বর্বরতা (noun)
3. Brutality – ক্রূরতা (noun)
4. Ferocity – উগ্রতা (noun)
5. Atrocity – অমানুষিকতা (noun)

Antonyms of Barbarity

1. Kindness – দয়া (noun)
2. Compassion – দয়া (noun)
3. Humanity – মানবতা (noun)
4. Gentleness – মৃদুতা (noun)
5. Benevolence – উদারতা (noun)

Origin of Barbarity

The word “barbarity” originated from the Latin word “barbaritas,” which means “uncivilized” or “foreign.” It entered the English language in the late 15th century.

Nearby Words

1. Barbaric – adjective
2. Barbarian – noun
3. Barbarous – adjective
4. Barbarously – adverb
5. Barbarism – noun

Barbarity in Literature Quotes

1. “The ultimate barbarity is to destroy a culture’s heritage.” – Mahatma Gandhi (শেষ অমানুষিকতা হল একটি সংস্কৃতির ঐতিহ্য ধ্বংস করা।)
2. “Barbarity is the natural state of mankind.” – Robert A. Heinlein (অমানুষিকতা মানবজাতির প্রাকৃতিক অবস্থা।)

Barbarity Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: অমানুষিকতা, Hindi: बर्बरता, Nepali: अमानुषिकता, Urdu: بربریت, Tamil: மனித அழிவு, Telugu: మనుషుల నిర్దయత, Arabic: وحشية, Chinese: 野蠻, Japanese: 野蛮さ, Russian: варварство

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