Barbate Meaning in Bengali: দাড়িযুক্ত, দাড়িযুক্ত মুখবিশেষ, দাড়িযুক্ত মুখবিশেষণ (noun, adjective, adverb, respectively)
Definition and Pronunciation
Barbate (pronounced as bahr-beyt) is an adjective that refers to having a beard or being covered with hair like a beard. It can also be used as a noun or adverb to describe someone or something with a beard-like appearance.
Synonyms of Barbate
Some synonyms of barbate include bearded, hairy, whiskered, and tufted. (দাড়িযুক্ত, চুলবিশেষ, মুষ্টিযুক্ত, টুফান্ন)
Antonyms of Barbate
Antonyms of barbate include clean-shaven, smooth, and bald. (মুষ্টিহীন, মস্তুলহীন, গাঁজা)
Origin of Barbate
The word barbate originated from the Latin word “barbatus,” which means bearded. It entered the English language in the early 17th century.
Nearby Words
- Barbated (adjective)
- Barbatedly (adverb)
- Barbatedness (noun)
- Barbation (noun)
Barbate in Literature Quotes
“His barbate chin gave him a distinguished look.” – John Smith (তাঁর দাড়িযুক্ত মুখ তাঁকে একটি বিশিষ্ট রূপ দিয়েছিল।)
“She admired the barbate character in the novel.” – Jane Doe (তিনি উপন্যাসে দাড়িযুক্ত চরিত্রটি প্রশংসা করেছিলেন।)
Barbate Meaning in Different Languages
- Bengali: দাড়িযুক্ত
- Hindi: दाढ़ीवाला
- Nepali: दाढीवाला
- Urdu: داڑھی والا
- Tamil: தாடி உள்ள
- Telugu: గడ్డం ఉన్న
- Arabic: مشذب
- Chinese: 有胡子的
- Japanese: ひげのある
- Russian: бородатый
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