Bare Body Meaning in Bengali: নগ্ন দেহ (noun, /nɔgno deho/), নগ্ন শরীর (noun, /nɔgno shorir/), নগ্ন দেহব্যবস্থা (noun, /nɔgno dehobôstha/)
Definition and Part of Speech
Bare body is a noun phrase that refers to a person’s physical form without any clothing or covering. It can also describe a state of being exposed or uncovered. The part of speech for bare body is a noun phrase.
Synonyms of Bare Body
1. Naked (adjective, /nɛkɪd/): নগ্ন (adjective, /nogno/)
2. Undressed (adjective, /ʌnˈdrɛst/): নগ্ন (adjective, /nogno/)
3. Nude (adjective, /njuːd/): নগ্ন (adjective, /nogno/)
4. Unclothed (adjective, /ʌnˈkləʊðd/): নগ্ন (adjective, /nogno/)
Antonyms of Bare Body
1. Covered (adjective, /ˈkʌvərd/): আচ্ছাদিত (adjective, /achchadito/)
2. Clothed (adjective, /kləʊðd/): পোশাকধারী (adjective, /poshakdhari/)
3. Wrapped (adjective, /ræpt/): আবৃত (adjective, /abr̥t̪o/)
4. Veiled (adjective, /veɪld/): আচ্ছাদিত (adjective, /achchadito/)
Origin of Bare Body
The term bare body originated from the combination of the adjective “bare,” meaning uncovered or naked, and the noun “body,” referring to the physical structure of a person or animal. The phrase has been used in various languages and cultures to describe the state of being without clothing or covering.
Nearby Words
1. Bare (adjective, /bɛər/): নগ্ন (adjective, /nogno/)
2. Body (noun, /ˈbɒdi/): দেহ (noun, /deho/)
3. Barefoot (adjective, /ˈbɛəfʊt/): নগ্নপা (adjective, /nogno-pa/)
4. Bareheaded (adjective, /ˈbɛərˌhɛdɪd/): নগ্নমাথা (adjective, /nogno-matha/)
Bare Body in Literature Quotes
1. “The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.” – Audrey Hepburn (একটি নারীর সৌন্দর্য তার পরিধানে নেই, তার আকৃতিতে নেই বা তার চুল সাঁজানোর পদ্ধতিতে নেই। একটি নারীর সৌন্দর্য তার চোখে দেখা যায় কারণ সেখানই তার হৃদয়ের দরজা, যেখানে ভালোবাসা বাস করে।)
2. “The human body is the best work of art.” – Jess C. Scott (মানব দেহটি সৃষ্টির সেরা কাজ।)
Bare Body Meaning in Different Languages
Bengali: নগ্ন দেহ
Hindi: नंगा शरीर
Nepali: नग्न शरीर
Urdu: ننگا جسم
Tamil: பிரகடமான உடல்
Telugu: తెలియని శరీరం
Arabic: الجسم العاري
Chinese: 裸体 (Luǒtǐ)
Japanese: 裸体 (Hadaka karada)
Russian: голое тело (goloye telo)