
Barns Meaning in Bengali: গোশালা, খামার, বাড়ি, গোদাম, খাদ্যগৃহ, পশুগৃহ (noun, pronunciation: bɑːrnz)

Definition of Barns

Barns are large agricultural buildings primarily used for storing crops, hay, and other agricultural products. They are typically made of wood or metal and have a spacious interior to accommodate the storage of various farm supplies. Barns often have a distinctive architectural design, with a high roof and large doors for easy access.

Synonyms of Barns

1. Warehouse – গোদাম (noun)
2. Shed – খামার (noun)
3. Farmhouse – বাড়ি (noun)
4. Granary – খাদ্যগৃহ (noun)
5. Stable – পশুগৃহ (noun)

Antonyms of Barns

1. Open field – খোলা মাঠ (noun)
2. Pasture – চরা (noun)
3. Farmland – খেত (noun)
4. Orchard – বাগান (noun)
5. Greenhouse – গ্রীনহাউস (noun)

Origin of Barns

The word “barn” originated from the Old English word “bern,” which means “a dwelling” or “a covered place.” It has its roots in the Proto-Germanic language. Over time, the meaning of the word evolved to specifically refer to agricultural buildings used for storage purposes.

Nearby Words

1. Farm (noun)
2. Silo (noun)
3. Stable (noun)
4. Hayloft (noun)
5. Granary (noun)

Barns in Literature Quotes

1. “The barn was silent, except for the rustling of the hay.” – John Steinbeck (গোদামটি শান্ত ছিল, গাভীরের কমলের শব্দ ছাড়াই।)
2. “He spent his childhood playing in the barn, surrounded by the scent of hay.” – Harper Lee (তিনি তার শিশুবয়স্কে গাভীরে খেলতে সময় কাটিয়েছিলেন, ঘাসের সুগন্ধে ঘিরে থাকা।)

Barns Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: গোশালা, খামার, বাড়ি, গোদাম, খাদ্যগৃহ
Hindi: खलिहान, खाद्यगृह, खाम्बा, खाद्यगृह, खाद्यगृह
Nepali: खलिहान, खाद्यगृह, खाम्बा, खाद्यगृह, खाद्यगृह
Urdu: خانہ, گودام, خانہ, گودام, خانہ
Tamil: பண்டாலம், பண்டாலம், பண்டாலம், பண்டாலம், பண்டாலம்
Telugu: పంటాలు, పంటాలు, పంటాలు, పంటాలు, పంటాలు
Arabic: مزرعة, مخزن, مزرعة, مخزن, مزرعة
Chinese: 谷仓, 仓库, 谷仓, 仓库, 谷仓
Japanese: 納屋, 倉庫, 納屋, 倉庫, 納屋
Russian: амбар, склад, амбар, склад, амбар

For more information about barns, you can visit the following links:

1. – Barn
2. – Barn
3. – Barn