
Base-spirited Meaning in Bengali: নিম্নমানুষিক (noun, pronunciation: /ˈbeɪsˈspɪrɪtɪd/)


Base-spirited refers to someone who lacks courage, integrity, or moral principles. It describes a person who is mean-spirited, cowardly, or lacking in noble qualities.


  • Mean-spirited – অসদাচারী (adjective)
  • Cowardly – ভীতিমান (adjective)
  • Unprincipled – নীতিহীন (adjective)
  • Ignoble – অমূল্য (adjective)
  • Base – নিম্নমানুষিক (adjective)


  • Brave – সাহসী (adjective, ধীর)
  • Honorable – মর্যাদাপূর্ণ (adjective, মর্যাদাপূর্ণ)
  • Virtuous – ধর্মমত (adjective, ধর্মমত)
  • Noble – উচ্চ (adjective, উচ্চ)
  • Respectable – মর্যাদাপূর্ণ (adjective, মর্যাদাপূর্ণ)


The term “base-spirited” originated from the combination of the words “base” and “spirited.” “Base” comes from the Old French word “bas,” meaning low or mean, while “spirited” refers to having a particular character or disposition. Together, they form the concept of someone with a low or mean character.

Nearby Words

  • Baseball – noun
  • Baseboard – noun
  • Baseless – adjective
  • Basement – noun
  • Baseline – noun

Base-spirited in Literature Quotes

  • “A base-spirited man is always a coward.” – Thomas Chandler Haliburton (একটি নিম্নমানুষিক মানুষ সর্বদা একটি কাকতালীন হয়।)
  • “Base-spirited men are incapable of great deeds.” – François de La Rochefoucauld (নিম্নমানুষিক মানুষ মহান কাজে অক্ষম।)

Base-spirited Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: নিম্নমানুষিক
  • Hindi: नीच
  • Nepali: निम्नमानिसी
  • Urdu: نیچ
  • Tamil: அடிமையான
  • Telugu: నిమ్నమనస్క
  • Arabic: قاعدة روحية
  • Chinese: 卑鄙的
  • Japanese: 卑劣な
  • Russian: подлый

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