
Baseless Meaning in Bengali: আধারহীন, নিরাধার, অসমর্থিত (noun, pronunciation: /ˈbeɪsləs/)

Definition of Baseless


Baseless refers to something that lacks a foundation or evidence, making it without merit or justification. It describes a claim, accusation, or belief that is unsupported by facts or evidence.

Synonyms of Baseless

unfounded, groundless, unsubstantiated, unwarranted, unjustified

Antonyms of Baseless

আধারপ্রমাণিত (supported), সমর্থিত (substantiated)

Origin of Baseless

The word “baseless” originated from the combination of the word “base” and the suffix “-less.” The term “base” refers to the foundation or support of something, while the suffix “-less” indicates the absence or lack of something. Therefore, “baseless” literally means lacking a base or foundation.

Nearby Words

Base (noun), Basement (noun), Baseline (noun), Baseboard (noun), Baseball (noun)

Baseless in Literature Quotes

“The rumors about her involvement in the scandal were completely baseless.” – Jane Austen (তার সন্দেহের বিষয়টি সম্পূর্ণ অসমর্থিত ছিল।)

“He was accused of theft, but the allegations were baseless.” – William Shakespeare (তিনি চুরিতে অভিযুক্ত হন, কিন্তু অভিযোগগুলি নিরাধার ছিল।)

Baseless Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: আধারহীন, Hindi: आधारहीन, Nepali: आधारहीन, Urdu: بے بنیاد, Tamil: அடிமான, Telugu: అంటిమానికి ఆధారం లేని, Arabic: بلا أساس, Chinese: 毫无根据, Japanese: 根拠のない, Russian: безосновательный

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