
Baseness Meaning in Bengali: নীচতা, অসদগুণ, অপকৃষ্টতা (noun, pronunciation: /ˈbeɪsnəs/)

Definition of Baseness

Baseness refers to the quality or state of being morally low, dishonorable, or contemptible. It is the characteristic of lacking moral principles or ethical standards.

Synonyms of Baseness

1. Meanness (কার্পণ্য, noun)
2. Vileness (অপকার্যতা, noun)
3. Degradation (অবমাননা, noun)
4. Infamy (অপমান, noun)
5. Ignominy (অপমান, noun)

Antonyms of Baseness

1. Nobility (উচ্চতা, noun)
2. Honor (সম্মান, noun)
3. Integrity (অখণ্ডতা, noun)
4. Decency (শোভা, noun)
5. Dignity (গরিমা, noun)

Origin of Baseness

The word “baseness” originated from the Middle English word “basenesse,” which came from the Old French word “bassesse.” It ultimately traces back to the Latin word “basus,” meaning “low.”

Nearby Words

1. Base (noun) – the lowest part or edge of something
2. Basic (adjective) – fundamental or essential
3. Basin (noun) – a wide, round, open container for holding liquids
4. Bask (verb) – to lie exposed to warmth and light for relaxation or pleasure
5. Baste (verb) – to pour juices or melted fat over (meat) during cooking to keep it moist

Baseness in Literature Quotes

1. “The baseness of all earthly things” – William Shakespeare (সমস্ত পৃথিবীজন্য নীচতা)
2. “The baseness of human nature” – George Orwell (মানব স্বভাবের অসদগুণ)
3. “The baseness of his actions” – Jane Austen (তাঁর কার্যকলাপের অপকৃষ্টতা)

Baseness Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: নীচতা, Hindi: नीचता, Nepali: नीचता, Urdu: گھٹیا پن, Tamil: அவமதிப்பு, Telugu: నీచత, Arabic: الرذيلة, Chinese: 卑鄙, Japanese: 卑劣さ, Russian: подлость

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