
Baseplate Meaning in Bengali: বেসপ্লেট, মূলপত্র, ভিত্তিপত্র, আধারপত্র (noun, pronunciation: /ˈbeɪspleɪt/)

Definition of Baseplate

A baseplate refers to a flat, usually rectangular, metal or plastic plate that serves as a foundation or support for various structures or devices. It is commonly used in construction, engineering, and manufacturing industries.

Synonyms of Baseplate

1. Foundation (মূলস্থান)
2. Footing (পাদস্থান)
3. Bedplate (বিছানা)
4. Substrate (উপাদান)
5. Plinth (পদমর্যাদা)

Antonyms of Baseplate

1. Roof (ছাদ)
2. Apex (শীর্ষ)
3. Summit (শীর্ষ)
4. Pinnacle (শিখর)
5. Crest (শিখর)

Origin of Baseplate

The term “baseplate” originated from the combination of the words “base” and “plate.” The word “base” refers to the bottom or supporting part of something, while “plate” refers to a flat, thin piece of material. The concept of using a baseplate as a foundation or support has been prevalent in various cultures throughout history.

Nearby Words

1. Baseboard (noun)
2. Basement (noun)
3. Baseless (adjective)
4. Baseline (noun)
5. Baseborn (adjective)

Baseplate in Literature Quotes

1. “The baseplate of success is hard work.” – Thomas Edison (সাফল্যের ভিত্তিপত্রটি হার্ডওয়ার্কের উপর নির্ভর করে।)
2. “A strong character is the baseplate of a good novel.” – Jane Austen (একটি ভাল উপন্যাসের ভিত্তিপত্র হল একটি শক্তিশালী চরিত্র।)

Baseplate Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: বেসপ্লেট, Hindi: बेसप्लेट, Nepali: बेसप्लेट, Urdu: بیس پلیٹ, Tamil: அடிப்படைத்தலை, Telugu: బేస్ప్లేట్, Arabic: لوحة القاعدة, Chinese: 底板, Japanese: ベースプレート, Russian: базовая пластина

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