
Bastardy, অস্ত্রীলতা, অস্ত্রীলতা, অস্ত্রীলতা (noun, pronunciation: bas-ter-dee)


Bastardy refers to the state or condition of being born out of wedlock or being illegitimate. It is a term used to describe a child whose parents were not married at the time of their birth.


1. Illegitimacy (অবৈধতা, noun)

2. Unlawfulness (অবৈধতা, noun)

3. Illegitimation (অবৈধতা, noun)

4. Illegitimateness (অবৈধতা, noun)


1. Legitimacy (বৈধতা, noun)

2. Lawfulness (বৈধতা, noun)

3. Legitimation (বৈধতা, noun)

4. Legitimateness (বৈধতা, noun)


The word “bastardy” originated from the Middle English word “bastardie,” which came from the Old French word “bastardie.” It ultimately traces back to the Latin word “bastardus,” meaning “a person of mixed race or uncertain origin.”

Nearby Words

1. Bastard (noun) – a person born of unmarried parents

2. Bastardize (verb) – to declare or prove someone to be illegitimate

3. Bastardly (adjective) – behaving in an unpleasant or despicable manner

4. Bastardization (noun) – the act of making something or someone illegitimate

Bastardy in Literature Quotes

1. “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” – William Shakespeare (সমস্ত পৃথিবী একটি মঞ্চ, এবং সমস্ত পুরুষ ও মহিলা কেবলমাত্র অভিনেতা।)

2. “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs (মহান কাজ করার একমাত্র উপায় হলো তোমার কাজটি ভালবাসা।)

Bastardy Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: অস্ত্রীলতা

Hindi: अवैधता

Nepali: अवैधता

Urdu: حرامی پن

Tamil: தாய்மையில்லாதது

Telugu: అన్యోన్యత

Arabic: الشرعية

Chinese: 私生子

Japanese: 私生児

Russian: незаконнорожденность

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