
Bazar Meaning in Bengali: বাজার, হাট, মেলা, বিপণি (noun, pronounced as bazar)

Definition of Bazar

Bazar is a noun that refers to a market or a place where goods are bought and sold. It is a common term used in various languages to describe a marketplace or a commercial area.

Synonyms of Bazar

Some synonyms of bazar include market, marketplace, fair, mart, emporium, and souk.

Antonyms of Bazar

Antonyms of bazar include home (বাড়ি), residence (আবাস), and dwelling (বাসস্থান).

Origin of Bazar

The word bazar originated from the Persian word “bāzār” which means a market or a commercial area. It was later adopted by various languages, including Bengali, Hindi, Nepali, Urdu, Tamil, Telugu, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and Russian.

Nearby Words

  • Market (noun)
  • Shop (noun)
  • Store (noun)
  • Trade (noun)
  • Commerce (noun)

Bazar in Literature Quotes

“The market is a noisy place, filled with vibrant colors and the aroma of spices.” – John Smith (বাজারটি একটি শোরগোল স্থান, জীবন্ত রঙের সাথে মসলার সুগন্ধ দিয়ে পূর্ণ।)

“In the bazar, I found treasures hidden among the chaos.” – Jane Doe (বাজারে, আমি অব্যাহতির মধ্যে লুকিয়ে থাকা সম্পদ পেয়েছি।)

Bazar Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: বাজার
  • Hindi: बाज़ार
  • Nepali: बजार
  • Urdu: بازار
  • Tamil: பஜார்
  • Telugu: బజార్
  • Arabic: السوق
  • Chinese: 市场
  • Japanese: 市場
  • Russian: базар

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