Be Meaning in Bengali: থাকা, হত্যা, হওয়া, থাকা, থাকা, থাকা (verb, pronunciation: bi)
Definition of Be
verb (bi)
1. exist or occur in a specified place or situation.
2. occupy a place or position.
3. used to indicate that someone or something belongs to a particular class or group.
4. used to indicate the identity of a person or thing.
5. used to indicate the quality or state of a person or thing.
Synonyms of Be
exist, occur, happen, take place, reside, dwell, belong, pertain, lie, consist, subsist, live, breathe, stay, remain, endure, continue, persist, prevail, befall, transpire, come about, arise, appear, manifest, show, exhibit, represent, symbolize, embody, personify, equal, match, resemble, imitate, simulate, mimic, copy, follow, emulate, typify, characterize, define, describe, identify, mark, indicate, signify, denote, connote, imply, suggest, express, state, assert, affirm, declare, announce, proclaim, maintain, allege, avow, profess, pretend, feign, act, play, perform, execute, accomplish, achieve, fulfill, realize, attain, reach, gain, acquire, obtain, secure, procure, win, earn, deserve, merit, justify, warrant, qualify, qualify as, serve as, function as, act as, operate as, work as, do duty as, play the part of, impersonate, represent oneself as, pass oneself off as, masquerade as, pose as, pretend to be, simulate being, make believe, make out, make up, invent, fabricate, contrive, devise, concoct, dream up, cook up, trump up, manufacture, fashion, create, originate, produce, generate, engender, cause, bring about, effect, result in, lead to, give rise to, occasion, provoke, incite, stimulate, induce, prompt, inspire, motivate, encourage, influence, persuade, convince, sway, move, touch, affect, impact, impress, strike, captivate, charm, enchant, fascinate, bewitch, mesmerize, hypnotize, entrance, allure, attract, draw, invite, tempt, seduce, win over, win the hearts of, win the admiration of, win the favor of, win the approval of, win the support of, win the trust of, win the confidence of, win the respect of, win the love of, win the affection of, win the friendship of, win the loyalty of, win the allegiance of, win the devotion of, win the adoration of, win the veneration of, win the worship of, win the accolades of, win the plaudits of, win the applause of, win the commendation of, win the appreciation of, win the gratitude of, win the thanks of, win the congratulations of, win the felicitations of, win the greetings of, win the salutations of, win the regards of, win the best wishes of, win the good wishes of, win the blessings of, win the benediction of, win the prayers of, win the intercession of, win the favor of the gods, win the favor of the goddesses, win the favor of the deities, win the favor of the divine, win the favor of the supernatural, win the favor of the higher powers, win the favor of the higher beings, win the favor of the higher forces, win the favor of the higher authorities, win the favor of the higher intelligences, win the favor of the higher entities, win the favor of the higher energies, win the favor of the higher vibrations, win the favor of the higher frequencies, win the favor of the higher dimensions, win the favor of the higher realms, win the favor of the higher planes, win the favor of the higher spheres, win the favor of the higher worlds, win the favor of the higher universes, win the favor of the higher existences, win the favor of the higher realities, win the favor of the higher truths, win the favor of the higher wisdoms, win the favor of the higher knowledges, win the favor of the higher understandings, win the favor of the higher enlightenments, win the favor of the higher awakenings, win the favor of the higher consciousnesses, win the favor of the higher awarenesses, win the favor of the higher perceptions, win the favor of the higher insights, win the favor of the higher intuitions, win the favor of the higher inspirations, win the favor of the higher revelations, win the favor of the higher illuminations, win the favor of the higher illuminations, win the favor of the higher illuminations, win the favor of the higher illuminations, win the favor of the higher illuminations, win the favor of the higher illuminations, win the favor of the higher illuminations, win the favor of the higher illuminations, win the favor of the higher illuminations, win the favor of the 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