be arrested

Be Arrested Meaning in Bengali: গ্রেফতার হওয়া (verb, grēphatāra hōẏa)

Part of Speech: Verb (ক্রিয়া, kriẏā)

Pronunciation: bih uh-res-tid

Definition of Be Arrested

When someone is “arrested,” it means that they are taken into custody by the police or other law enforcement authorities due to suspicion of committing a crime. Being arrested involves the deprivation of personal freedom and the individual is usually taken to a police station or detention center for further questioning and processing.

Synonyms of Be Arrested

1. Apprehended (ধরা পড়া, dhara para)

2. Detained (আটকানো, āṭakānō)

3. Captured (আটকানো, āṭakānō)

4. Seized (আটকানো, āṭakānō)

5. Taken into custody (কারাগারে নেওয়া, kārāgārē nē’ōẏā)

Antonyms of Be Arrested

1. Released (মুক্তি দেওয়া, muktī dē’ōẏā)

2. Freed (মুক্ত করা, mukta kara)

3. Acquitted (অবরুদ্ধ করা, abaruddha kara)

4. Exonerated (মুক্তি দেওয়া, muktī dē’ōẏā)

5. Discharged (মুক্ত করা, mukta kara)

Origin of Be Arrested

The word “arrest” originated from the Old French word “arester,” which means “to stay, stop, or seize.” It entered the English language in the late 14th century and initially referred to the act of stopping or detaining someone. Over time, its meaning evolved to specifically denote the action of taking someone into custody for legal reasons.

Nearby Words

1. Arrest (noun, গ্রেফতার, grēphatāra)

2. Arrested (adjective, গ্রেফতার, grēphatāra)

3. Arresting (adjective, আকর্ষণীয়, ākr̥ṣaṇīẏa)

4. Arrestee (noun, গ্রেফতারকৃত, grēphatārakr̥ta)

5. Arrestment (noun, আটক, āṭaka)

Be Arrested in Literature Quotes

“The only way to deal with temptation is to yield to it.” – Oscar Wilde (প্রলোভনার সঙ্গে সম্পর্ক স্থাপনের একমাত্র উপায় হলো তার প্রতি মানসিক সন্ধান করা।)

“Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.” – Mahatma Gandhi (যদি স্বাধীনতা ভুল করার স্বাধীনতা না থাকে, তবে সেটি অর্থহীন।)

Be Arrested Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: গ্রেফতার হওয়া

Hindi: गिरफ्तार होना

Nepali: गिरफ्तार हुनु

Urdu: گرفتار ہونا

Tamil: கைது செய்யப்படுகின்றது

Telugu: అరెస్ట్ అవుతుంది

Arabic: يتم اعتقاله

Chinese: 被逮捕

Japanese: 逮捕される

Russian: быть арестованным

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