be born

Be Born Meaning in Bengali: জন্ম নেওয়া, জন্ম গ্রহণ করা, জন্ম হত্তয়া (verb, /biː bɔːrn/)

Definition of Be Born

Be born is a verb that refers to the process of coming into existence or being brought into life through birth. It signifies the beginning of an individual’s life or the emergence of a new living being.

Synonyms of Be Born

1. Arise (উত্পন্ন হত্তয়া) – verb

2. Originate (উদ্ভূত হত্তয়া) – verb

3. Come into being (অস্তিত্ব পাওয়া) – verb

4. Come forth (উদ্ভূত হত্তয়া) – verb

5. Spring up (উদ্ভূত হত্তয়া) – verb

Antonyms of Be Born

1. Die (মারা যাওয়া) – verb

2. Cease (বন্ধ হত্তয়া) – verb

3. Perish (ধ্বংস হত্তয়া) – verb

4. Expire (মৃত্যু হত্তয়া) – verb

5. Pass away (মারা যাওয়া) – verb

Origin of Be Born

The phrase “be born” originated from the Old English word “beran,” which means “to bear or bring forth.” Over time, it evolved to specifically refer to the act of being born or coming into existence.

Nearby Words

1. Birth (noun) – জন্ম

2. Born (adjective) – জন্মজাত

3. Birthing (noun) – জন্মদান

4. Bearer (noun) – ধারক

5. Bearing (noun) – ধারণ

Be Born in Literature Quotes

1. “A baby is God’s opinion that life should go on.” – Carl Sandburg (একটি শিশু হলো ঈশ্বরের মতামত যে জীবন চলতে হবে।)

2. “Every child begins the world anew.” – Henry David Thoreau (প্রতিটি শিশু নতুনভাবে পৃথিবীতে শুরু করে।)

Be Born Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: জন্ম নেওয়া, Hindi: जन्म लेना, Nepali: जन्म लिनु, Urdu: پیدا ہونا, Tamil: பிறப்படுவது, Telugu: పుట్టిన, Arabic: وُلِدَ, Chinese: 出生, Japanese: 生まれる, Russian: родиться

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