be fresh

Be Fresh Meaning in Bengali: নতুন থাকো, পুরানো থেকে নতুন হওয়া, তাজা থাকো (verb, pronunciation: bih-fresh)

Definition of Be Fresh

Be fresh is a verb phrase that means to remain or become new, to stay or become fresh, or to maintain a state of freshness. It implies the act of preserving or renewing something, whether it be physical or metaphorical.

Synonyms of Be Fresh

1. Renew (পুনর্নবীকরণ করা, verb)
2. Revitalize (পুনর্জীবিত করা, verb)
3. Regenerate (পুনর্জন্ম দেওয়া, verb)
4. Refresh (তাজা করা, verb)

Antonyms of Be Fresh

1. Decay (পচন হওয়া, verb, পচন)
2. Deteriorate (অবনমন হওয়া, verb, অবনমন)
3. Spoil (বিক্ষিপ্ত হওয়া, verb, বিক্ষিপ্ত)
4. Stale (বাসী হওয়া, adjective, বাসী)

Origin of Be Fresh

The phrase “be fresh” originated from the combination of the verb “be” and the adjective “fresh.” The word “fresh” comes from the Middle English word “fresch,” which is derived from the Old English word “fresc.” It can be traced back to the Proto-Germanic word “friskaz” and the Proto-Indo-European root “preyskos,” meaning “fresh” or “lively.”

Nearby Words

1. Freshen (verb)
2. Freshness (noun)
3. Freshly (adverb)
4. Freshman (noun)

Be Fresh in Literature Quotes

1. “A fresh start is not a new place, but a new mindset.” – Author Unknown (একটি নতুন শুরু নতুন স্থান নয়, বরং একটি নতুন মনোভাব।)
2. “Every morning is a chance at a new day.” – Marjorie Hinckley (প্রতিদিন একটি নতুন দিনের সুযোগ।)

Be Fresh Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: নতুন থাকো
Hindi: ताजगी बनाए रखें
Nepali: ताजा रहनुहोस्
Urdu: تازگی بنا رکھیں
Tamil: புதியதாக இரு
Telugu: క్రొత్తగా ఉండండి
Arabic: كن جديدا
Chinese: 保持新鲜
Japanese: 新鮮である
Russian: быть свежим

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