Be Frightened Meaning in Bengali: ভীত হওয়া, ভয় পাওয়া, ভয় পেত্তে থাকা (verb, /bi ˈfraɪtnd/)
Definition of Be Frightened
Be frightened is a verb that refers to the state of being afraid or feeling fear. It is an emotional response to a perceived threat or danger. When someone is frightened, they experience a sense of unease, anxiety, or terror.
Synonyms of Be Frightened
1. Scared (ভয়প্রদ, verb)
2. Terrified (ভয়ভীত, adjective)
3. Panicked (আতঙ্কিত, adjective)
4. Petrified (ভয়ে মূর্ছিত, adjective)
Antonyms of Be Frightened
1. Brave (সাহসী, adjective)
2. Fearless (নির্ভীত, adjective)
3. Confident (আত্মবিশ্বাসী, adjective)
4. Calm (শান্ত, adjective)
Origin of Be Frightened
The word “frighten” originated from the Middle English word “frightenen,” which means to terrify or scare. It can be traced back to the Old English word “fyrhtan,” meaning to fear or dread.
Nearby Words
1. Fright (noun)
2. Frighten (verb)
3. Frightening (adjective)
4. Frightful (adjective)
Be Frightened in Literature Quotes
1. “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt (ভয় নিয়ে আমাদের ভয় করতে হবে না।)
2. “Fear is the mind-killer.” – Frank Herbert (ভয় মনের বিনাশকারী।)
3. “Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear – not absence of fear.” – Mark Twain (সাহস হলো ভয়ের বিরুদ্ধে বাধ্যতা, ভয়ের সামর্থ্য – ভয়ের অনুপস্থিতি নয়।)
Be Frightened Meaning in Different Languages
Bengali: ভীত হওয়া
Hindi: डरना
Nepali: भयभीत हुनु
Urdu: خوفزدہ ہونا
Tamil: பயமடை
Telugu: భయపడు
Arabic: أن يخاف
Chinese: 害怕
Japanese: 怖がる
Russian: испугаться
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