be lated

Bengali meanings of “be lated”: বিলম্বিত (adjective), বিলম্বিত হওয়া (verb)

Definition and Part of Speech

be lated (adjective, verb) – (pronunciation: bih-ley-tid)

The term “be lated” is an adjective or a verb that refers to being delayed or arriving late. It can describe a person, event, or action that is behind schedule or tardy.

Synonyms of “be lated”

1. Delayed (বিলম্বিত)

2. Tardy (বিলম্বিত)

3. Behind schedule (বিলম্বিত)

4. Overdue (বিলম্বিত)

5. Belated (বিলম্বিত)

Antonyms of “be lated”

1. Punctual (সময়ের মতো)

2. Timely (সময়ের মতো)

3. Prompt (সময়ের মতো)

4. Early (সময়ের আগে)

5. On time (সময়ের মতো)

Origin of “be lated”

The term “be lated” originated from the combination of the prefix “be-” meaning “to make” or “to cause” and the word “lated” which is derived from the Old English word “gelætan” meaning “to delay.” Over time, the term evolved to its current form, indicating lateness or delay.

Nearby words

1. Be late (verb)

2. Be late for (verb phrase)

3. Be late in (verb phrase)

4. Be late with (verb phrase)

5. Be late in the day (idiom)

“Be lated” in Literature Quotes

1. “Better late than never.” – Geoffrey Chaucer (দেরি হলেও হয়তো ভালো)

2. “The trouble with being punctual is that nobody’s there to appreciate it.” – Franklin P. Jones (সময়ের মতো হলেও কেউ তা মানে না)

“Be lated” Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: বিলম্বিত

Hindi: विलंबित

Nepali: विलम्बित

Urdu: بے تاخیر

Tamil: தாமதமான

Telugu: తామతమైన

Arabic: متأخر

Chinese: 迟到的

Japanese: 遅れた

Russian: опоздавший

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