
Bengali meanings of Beaumonde: সুখী মানুষ, সুখী সমাজ, সুখী জনগণ (noun)

Beaumonde (noun, /boʊˈmɒnd/)

Definition: The fashionable world; society; the world of high society and fashion.


  • Elite (অভিজাত্য, noun)
  • Upper class (উচ্চ শ্রেণী, noun)
  • Jet set (জেট সেট, noun)
  • High society (উচ্চ সমাজ, noun)


  • Common people (সাধারণ মানুষ, noun)
  • Lower class (নিম্ন শ্রেণী, noun)
  • Working class (কর্মশালী শ্রেণী, noun)
  • Masses (জনসাধারণ, noun)

Origin: The term “beaumonde” originated from French, where it literally means “beautiful world.” It entered the English language in the 18th century and became associated with the fashionable and elite society.

Nearby Words:

  • Beau (noun) – A fashionable young man
  • Beautiful (adjective) – Pleasing to the senses or mind
  • World (noun) – The earth and all its inhabitants
  • Society (noun) – A community of people living together in a more or less ordered way

Beaumonde in Literature Quotes:

  • “She was the belle of the beaumonde, admired and envied by all.” – Jane Austen (সে ছিলেন বিউমন্ডের বেল, সবাই তাকে আদর করতে এবং ঈর্ষা করতে।)
  • “In the beaumonde, appearances are everything.” – Oscar Wilde (বিউমন্ডে, প্রকাশ সবকিছু।)

Beaumonde Meaning in Different Languages:

  • Bengali: সুখী মানুষ
  • Hindi: सुखी समाज
  • Nepali: सुखी जनगण
  • Urdu: خوشحال معاشرت
  • Tamil: மகிழ்ச்சி உலகம்
  • Telugu: ఆనంద ప్రపంచం
  • Arabic: عالم الأثرياء
  • Chinese: 富人圈
  • Japanese: おしゃれな世界
  • Russian: мир высшего общества

For more information, you can visit the Wikipedia page on Beaumonde. You can also find definitions and examples on and The Free Dictionary.