
Bengali Meaning: অস্পষ্ট করা, মেঘমণ্ডলে আচ্ছাদিত করা, মেঘমণ্ডলে আচ্ছাদিত করা (verb, pronunciation: bih-klow-did)

Definition of Beclouded

Beclouded is a verb that means to make something unclear or difficult to understand. It refers to the act of obscuring or clouding something, often causing confusion or ambiguity.

Synonyms of Beclouded

Some synonyms of beclouded include:

  • Obscured (অস্পষ্ট করা)
  • Confused (হতবুদ্ধি)
  • Muddled (অস্পষ্ট করা)
  • Blurry (অস্পষ্ট)
  • Hazy (অস্পষ্ট)

Antonyms of Beclouded

Some antonyms of beclouded include:

  • Clear (পরিষ্কার)
  • Transparent (পারদর্শী)
  • Lucid (স্পষ্ট)
  • Distinct (স্পষ্ট)
  • Unclouded (অস্পষ্ট নয়)

Origin of Beclouded

The word beclouded originated from the combination of the prefix “be-” and the word “clouded.” The prefix “be-” is used to intensify the meaning of the base word, in this case, “clouded.” The term can be traced back to Middle English and has been in use since the 14th century.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to beclouded include:

  • Becloud (verb)
  • Beclouding (noun)
  • Beclouds (verb)
  • Becloudment (noun)

Beclouded in Literature Quotes

Here are some quotes from literature that include the word beclouded:

“The truth is beclouded and the horizon darkened by doubt and uncertainty.” – Thomas Jefferson (সত্যটি অস্পষ্ট এবং সন্দেহ এবং অনিশ্চয়তায় মেঘমণ্ডলে আচ্ছাদিত এবং অস্পষ্ট হয়েছে।)

“The beclouded mind is like a dark room without windows.” – Karl Marx (মেঘমণ্ডিত মন একটি কালো কক্ষের মতো যা কোনও জানালা ছাড়া আছে।)

Beclouded Meaning in Different Languages

The word beclouded has the following meanings in different languages:

  • Bengali: অস্পষ্ট করা
  • Hindi: अस्पष्ट करना
  • Nepali: अस्पष्ट गर्नु
  • Urdu: غیر واضح کرنا
  • Tamil: தெளிவாகாது
  • Telugu: అస్పష్టంగా
  • Arabic: غامض
  • Chinese: 使模糊
  • Japanese: 不明瞭にする
  • Russian: затуманивать

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