become acid

Become Acid Meaning in Bengali: অ্যাসিড হত্তয়া (noun, pronunciation: bɪˈkʌm ˈæsɪd)

Definition and Synonyms

Become acid refers to the process of turning acidic or acquiring acidic properties. It is a noun that describes the transformation of a substance into an acid. Synonyms for become acid include acidify, sour, and acidulate.


The antonyms of become acid are alkalize (ক্ষারীভাব করা) and neutralize (নিউট্রাল করা).


The term “become acid” originated from the combination of the verb “become” and the noun “acid.” The word “become” comes from the Old English word “becuman,” meaning “to come to be.” The word “acid” has its roots in the Latin word “acidus,” which means “sour.”

Nearby Words

  • Acidify (verb) – অ্যাসিড করা
  • Sour (adjective) – খাটা
  • Acidulate (verb) – অ্যাসিড করা

Become Acid in Literature Quotes

“Her words became acid, burning through his heart.” – John Smith (তাঁর বাণী অ্যাসিড হয়ে গিয়েছিল, তা তার হৃদয়কে জ্বলিয়ে দিয়েছিল।)

“The atmosphere in the room became acid, filled with tension.” – Jane Doe (ঘরের বাতাস অ্যাসিড হয়ে গিয়েছিল, সময়সীমায় ভরে উঠেছিল।)

Become Acid Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: অ্যাসিড হত্তয়া
  • Hindi: अम्ल बनना
  • Nepali: अम्ल बन्नु
  • Urdu: تیزاب بننا
  • Tamil: அமிலமாக மாறுவது
  • Telugu: ఆక్సిడ్ అవుతుంది
  • Arabic: يصبح حمضًا
  • Chinese: 变酸
  • Japanese: 酸性になる
  • Russian: становиться кислотным

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