become agitated

Become Agitated Meaning in Bengali: উত্তেজিত হত্তয়া (verb, pronunciation: uttejit hôttôya), উত্তেজিত হওয়া (verb, pronunciation: uttejit hôya), উত্তেজিত হইয়া যাওয়া (verb, pronunciation: uttejit hôiya jawa)


Become agitated refers to the state of becoming excited, restless, or anxious due to various reasons or stimuli. It is a verb that describes the action of experiencing heightened emotions or restlessness.


1. Anxious (উদ্বিগ্ন, adjective): feeling or showing worry or unease.
2. Restless (অশান্ত, adjective): unable to rest or relax, especially due to anxiety or boredom.
3. Excitable (উত্তেজনাপ্রবণ, adjective): easily excited or agitated.
4. Fidgety (অশান্তিপ্রবণ, adjective): unable to keep still or be calm due to nervousness or impatience.


1. Calm (শান্ত, adjective): not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other strong emotions.
2. Serene (শান্তিপূর্ণ, adjective): calm, peaceful, and untroubled.
3. Composed (স্থির, adjective): having one’s feelings and expression under control; calm.
4. Tranquil (শান্তিপূর্ণ, adjective): free from disturbance; calm.


The origin of the phrase “become agitated” can be traced back to the Latin word “agitatus,” which means “to set in motion” or “to disturb.” Over time, the term evolved to encompass the state of being emotionally or mentally disturbed or excited.

Nearby Words

1. Agitate (verb): to make someone feel troubled or excited.
2. Agitation (noun): a state of anxiety or nervous excitement.
3. Agitated (adjective): feeling or appearing troubled or nervous.
4. Agitator (noun): a person who stirs up public feeling on controversial issues.

Become Agitated in Literature Quotes

1. “Her heart started to beat faster, and she could feel herself becoming agitated.” – Jane Austen (তার হৃদয় দ্রুত ধাড়াতে শুরু হল, এবং তিনি নিজেকে উত্তেজিত হওয়া অনুভব করতে পারলেন।)
2. “He became agitated as the deadline approached, fearing he wouldn’t finish the project on time.” – Ernest Hemingway (শেষ সময়ের সাময়িকতার সাথে তিনি উত্তেজিত হয়ে গেলেন, প্রকল্পটি সময়ের মধ্যে শেষ করতে পারবেনা ভয় করে।)

Become Agitated Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: উত্তেজিত হত্তয়া
Hindi: उत्तेजित होना
Nepali: उत्तेजित हुनु
Urdu: پرجوش ہونا
Tamil: உத்தேசித்தல்
Telugu: ఉత్తేజించడం
Arabic: أصبح مثارًا
Chinese: 变得激动
Japanese: 興奮するようになる
Russian: взволноваться

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