
Bedaub Meaning in Bengali: মলিন করা, মলিন করে লেপন করা, মলিন করে লেপন করা (verb, pronunciation: bih-dawb)

Definition of Bedaub

Bedaub is a verb that means to smear or cover something with a thick or sticky substance, often in a careless or messy manner. It can also refer to the act of applying makeup or paint in a hasty or excessive way.

Synonyms of Bedaub

Some synonyms of bedaub include smudge, daub, besmear, slather, plaster, and coat.

Antonyms of Bedaub

Antonyms of bedaub include cleanse (পরিষ্কার করা), purify (শুদ্ধ করা), and polish (পরিষ্কার করা).

Origin of Bedaub

The word bedaub originated from the Middle English word bedabben, which means to besmear or soil. It can be traced back to the Old English word bedæppian, meaning to daub or smear.

Nearby Words

  • Bedaubed (adjective) – smeared or covered with a thick or sticky substance.
  • Bedaubing (noun) – the act of smearing or covering something in a careless or messy way.
  • Bedauber (noun) – a person who smears or covers something with a thick or sticky substance.

Bedaub in Literature Quotes

“She bedaubed her face with makeup, trying to hide her true emotions.” – Jane Austen (তিনি তাঁর মুখে মেকআপ করে তাঁর সত্যিকারের ভাবনা লুকাতে চেষ্টা করেন।)

“His hands were bedaubed with paint as he passionately worked on his masterpiece.” – Leonardo da Vinci (তাঁর হাতে রঙের লেপন ছিল, যখন তিনি তাঁর মাস্টারপিস উদ্ভাবনে আবেগপূর্ণভাবে কাজ করছিলেন।)

Bedaub Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: মলিন করা

Hindi: लेपना

Nepali: लेपना

Urdu: لیپنا

Tamil: மயக்கமாக்கு

Telugu: ముద్దుచేయు

Arabic: يلطخ

Chinese: 涂抹

Japanese: 塗りつける

Russian: намазывать

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