
Bedraggled Meaning in Bengali: মুড়ানো, মড়ানো, মড়ানো (verb)

Definition and Part of Speech

Bedraggled (adjective) – (pronunciation: bih-drag-uhld) means dirty and disheveled, typically as a result of being wet or muddy.

Synonyms of Bedraggled

1. Soiled – মড়ানো (verb)

2. Messy – অস্ত্রীত (adjective)

3. Untidy – অস্ত্রীত (adjective)

4. Disheveled – অস্ত্রীত (adjective)

5. Grimy – মড়ানো (verb)

Antonyms of Bedraggled

1. Clean – পরিষ্কার (adjective)

2. Neat – পরিষ্কার (adjective)

3. Tidy – পরিষ্কার (adjective)

4. Immaculate – পরিষ্কার (adjective)

5. Spotless – পরিষ্কার (adjective)

Origin of Bedraggled

The word “bedraggled” originated from the combination of the prefix “be-” meaning “thoroughly” and the word “draggle” meaning “to make wet or dirty.” It first appeared in the early 18th century.

Nearby Words

1. Bedridden (adjective) – confined to bed due to illness or disability

2. Bedrock (noun) – solid rock underlying loose deposits such as soil or gravel

3. Bedside (noun) – the area beside a bed, especially the space occupied by bedside furniture

4. Bedtime (noun) – the time at which one goes to bed

5. Bedouin (noun) – a nomadic Arab of the desert

Bedraggled in Literature Quotes

1. “She walked into the room, her hair bedraggled and her clothes soaked from the rain.” – Jane Austen (তিনি ঘরে পদার্থ করতে গেলেন, তাঁর চুল মুড়ানো এবং বৃষ্টির জলে তাঁর পোশাক ভিজে গেল।)

2. “The bedraggled dog wandered aimlessly through the streets, searching for food.” – Mark Twain (মুড়ানো কুকুর বেহায়া রাস্তায় বেহায়া বেহায়া ঘুরতে ঘুরতে খাবারের জন্য অনুসন্ধান করছিল।)

Bedraggled Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: মুড়ানো

Hindi: गंदा

Nepali: मोडिएको

Urdu: گندا

Tamil: மடக்கப்பட்ட

Telugu: ముడిపోయిన

Arabic: متسخ

Chinese: 弄脏

Japanese: 汚れた

Russian: запачканный

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