
Bengali Meaning of Beefier: গাভীর, প্রবল, শক্তিশালী (noun, pronunciation: bi-fee-er)

Definition of Beefier

Beefier is an adjective that describes something or someone as having a larger, more muscular, or more robust physique. It is often used to refer to animals or people who are physically stronger or more powerful than others.

Synonyms of Beefier

Some synonyms of beefier include:

  • Stronger (শক্তিশালী)
  • Heavier (ভারী)
  • More muscular (বলশালী)
  • Sturdier (দৃঢ়)
  • Bulkier (বড়)

Antonyms of Beefier

Some antonyms of beefier include:

  • Weaker (দুর্বল)
  • Thinner (পাতলা)
  • Frailer (ক্ষীণ)
  • Leaner (দারুণ)
  • Slimmer (স্লিম)

Origin of Beefier

The word beefier originated from the noun beef, which refers to the meat of a cow. The suffix “-ier” is added to the word to indicate a comparative form, meaning “more like beef” or “more similar to beef.”

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to beefier include:

  • Beef (noun)
  • Beefcake (noun)
  • Beefiness (noun)
  • Beefsteak (noun)
  • Beefy (adjective)

Beefier in Literature Quotes

Here are some quotes from literature that include the word beefier:

“He was a beefier man than I had imagined, with a booming voice that filled the room.” – Jane Austen (সে আমার চিন্তা করেছিল চেয়ে বেশি গাভীর একজন মানুষ, যার গর্জন কক্ষটি পূর্ণ করেছিল।)

“The villain in the story was portrayed as a beefier character, intimidating everyone around him.” – William Shakespeare (গল্পের দুষ্টু চরিত্রটি একটি গাভীর চরিত্র হিসাবে প্রদর্শিত হয়েছিল, যিনি তার চারপাশের সবাইকে ভয় দেয়।)

Beefier Meaning in Different Languages

The meaning of beefier in different languages is as follows:

  • Bengali: গাভীর
  • Hindi: मांसपेशीदार
  • Nepali: गाईको मासु
  • Urdu: گائے جیسا
  • Tamil: மாட்டுப் போன்ற
  • Telugu: మేక వంటి
  • Arabic: أكثر لحمية
  • Chinese: 更肌肉发达
  • Japanese: より筋肉質な
  • Russian: более мускулистый

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