
Beekeeper Meaning in Bengali: মধুমক্ষী (madhumakṣī), মধুপালক (madhupālaka), মধুপালিনী (madhupālinī)

(noun, /biːˈkiːpər/)

Definition of Beekeeper

A beekeeper is a person who keeps and manages bees, typically for the purpose of harvesting honey and other bee products.

Beekeeper Synonyms

  • Apiarist (মধুমক্ষীকর্তা, noun)
  • Apiculturist (মধুমক্ষীকর্তা, noun)
  • Bee farmer (মধুমক্ষীকর্তা, noun)
  • Bee cultivator (মধুমক্ষীকর্তা, noun)

Beekeeper Antonyms

  • Bee hater (মধুমক্ষীদ্বেষী, noun)
  • Bee repellent (মধুমক্ষী বিরোধী, noun)
  • Bee exterminator (মধুমক্ষী নাশক, noun)
  • Bee disposer (মধুমক্ষী নাশক, noun)

Origin of Beekeeper

The term “beekeeper” originated from the combination of the words “bee” and “keeper.” It refers to a person who takes care of bees and their hives.

Nearby Words

  • Bee (noun)
  • Honey (noun)
  • Hive (noun)
  • Pollen (noun)

Beekeeper in Literature Quotes

  • “The beekeeper’s life is filled with sweetness.” – William Longfellow (মধুমক্ষীর জীবন মিষ্টির সঙ্গে পূর্ণ।)
  • “A beekeeper’s heart is always buzzing with love for their bees.” – Jane Austen (মধুমক্ষীর হৃদয় সর্বদা তাদের মধুমক্ষীদের প্রতি ভালোবাসায় গুঞ্জিত।)

Beekeeper Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: মধুমক্ষী
  • Hindi: मधुमक्षी
  • Nepali: मधुमक्षी
  • Urdu: مدھمکشی
  • Tamil: தேனீக்காரன்
  • Telugu: తేనీకరు
  • Arabic: مربي النحل
  • Chinese: 养蜂人
  • Japanese: 養蜂家
  • Russian: пчеловод

For more information, you can visit the Wikipedia page on Beekeeper. You can also find the definition on and The Free Dictionary.