
Beelzebub Meaning in Bengali: বিলজেবুব, বিলজেবুবের অর্থ, বিলজেবুবের প্রতিশব্দ (noun, pronunciation: biːlzɪbʌb)

Definition of Beelzebub

Beelzebub, also known as the “Lord of the Flies,” is a term that originated from the Hebrew language. It is a noun and refers to a powerful demon or devil in various religious texts, including the Bible. Beelzebub is often associated with Satan and is considered one of the most wicked and influential demons in demonology.

Synonyms of Beelzebub

1. Satan (শয়তান) – noun
2. Lucifer (লুসিফার) – noun
3. Mephistopheles (মেফিস্টোফেলিস) – noun
4. Devil (দানব) – noun
5. Evil Spirit (অশুভ আত্মা) – noun

Antonyms of Beelzebub

1. God (ঈশ্বর) – noun
2. Angel (দেবদূত) – noun
3. Holy Spirit (পবিত্র আত্মা) – noun
4. Divine Being (দৈবত্বপূর্ণ অস্তিত্ব) – noun
5. Seraph (সেরাফ) – noun

Origin of Beelzebub

The term “Beelzebub” has its roots in the Hebrew language. It is derived from the phrase “Baal Zebub,” which means “Lord of the Flies.” In ancient times, Beelzebub was worshipped as a deity associated with fertility and agriculture. However, in later religious texts, Beelzebub’s character transformed into that of a malevolent demon.

Nearby Words

1. Beelzebul (noun)
2. Beelzebuth (noun)
3. Beelzeboul (noun)
4. Beelzebubian (adjective)
5. Beelzebubish (adjective)

Beelzebub in Literature Quotes

1. “Hell is empty and all the devils are here.” – William Shakespeare (জাহান্নাম খালি এবং সব দানবরা এখানে আছে।)
2. “The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.” – William Shakespeare (দানবও তাঁর উদ্দেশ্যে ধর্মগ্রন্থ উদ্ধৃত করতে পারে।)
3. “Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.” – John Milton (স্বর্গে সেবা করার চেয়ে নরকে রাজ্য করা ভালো।)

Beelzebub Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: বিলজেবুব
Hindi: बील्जेबब
Nepali: बील्जेबब
Urdu: بیلزیبب
Tamil: பீல்ஜெபப்
Telugu: బీల్జెబబ్
Arabic: بعلزبول
Chinese: 贝尔泽布布
Japanese: ベルゼブブ
Russian: Беельзебуб

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