
Beetroot Meaning in Bengali

Beetroot, also known as বিটরুট, চুকন্দর, শ্বেতচুকন্দর or “beet” in Bengali, is a popular vegetable that is widely consumed for its numerous health benefits. It belongs to the Amaranthaceae family and is scientifically known as Beta vulgaris.

Part of Speech & Pronunciation

Beetroot is a noun (pronounced as /ˈbiːt.ruːt/).

Definition of Beetroot

Beetroot refers to the round, red root of the beet plant, which is typically eaten as a vegetable. It has a sweet and earthy flavor and is often used in salads, soups, and as a natural food coloring.

Beetroot Synonyms

1. Beet – বিট (noun)
2. Red beet – লাল বিট (noun)
3. Garden beet – বাগানের বিট (noun)

Beetroot Antonyms

1. Carrot – গাজর (noun)
2. Potato – আলু (noun)
3. Onion – পেঁয়াজ (noun)

Origin of Beetroot

The cultivation of beetroot dates back to ancient times, with its origins traced to the Mediterranean region. It was initially cultivated for its leaves, which were used as a food source. Over time, people discovered the edible root and began consuming it as well.

Nearby Words

1. Beet – noun
2. Beet sugar – noun
3. Beet greens – noun

Beetroot in Literature Quotes

1. “The beet is the most intense of vegetables.” – Tom Robbins (বিটটি সবচেয়ে তীব্র শাকসবজি।)
2. “The beet is what happens when the cherry finishes with the carrot.” – Neil Gaiman (বিটটি হল যখন চেরি গাজর সঙ্গে শেষ করে।)

Beetroot Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: চুকন্দর
Hindi: चुकंदर
Nepali: बीटरूट
Urdu: چقندر
Tamil: பீட்ரூட்
Telugu: బీట్రూట్
Arabic: شمندر
Chinese: 甜菜根
Japanese: ビーツルート
Russian: свекла

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