
Befog Meaning in Bengali: অস্পষ্ট করা, মেঘলা, মেঘমালিন করা, মেঘমালিন হত্তয়া (verb, pronunciation: bih-fog)

Definition of Befog

Befog is a verb that means to make something unclear or difficult to understand. It refers to the act of obscuring or clouding something, often causing confusion or uncertainty.

Synonyms of Befog

Some synonyms of befog include confuse, obscure, cloud, muddle, perplex, and bewilder.

Antonyms of Befog

Antonyms of befog are clarify (স্পষ্ট করা), illuminate (আলোকিত করা), and enlighten (জ্ঞান দেওয়া).

Origin of Befog

The word befog originated from the combination of the prefix “be-” and the word “fog.” The prefix “be-” is used to intensify the action, while “fog” refers to a thick cloud of water droplets suspended in the atmosphere.

Nearby Words

  • Befriend (verb) – to become friends with someone.
  • Befuddle (verb) – to confuse or perplex someone.
  • Beggar (noun) – a person who lives by asking for money or food.
  • Beguile (verb) – to charm or enchant someone, often in a deceptive way.

Befog in Literature Quotes

“The complexity of the situation befogs even the most experienced detective.” – Agatha Christie (সমস্যাটির জটিলতা সবচেয়ে অভিজ্ঞ ডিটেকটিভকেও মেঘমালিন করে।)

“His mind was befogged with conflicting emotions.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald (তার মন বিপদজনক ভাবনাগুলি দ্বন্দ্বিত করে মেঘমালিন হয়ে গেছিল।)

Befog Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: অস্পষ্ট করা
  • Hindi: अस्पष्ट करना
  • Nepali: अस्पष्ट गर्नु
  • Urdu: غبارہ دار کرنا
  • Tamil: மூடிவிடு
  • Telugu: మెగమలినం చేయు
  • Arabic: يحجب
  • Chinese: 使模糊
  • Japanese: 曇らせる
  • Russian: смутить

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