
Begging Meaning in Bengali

ভিক্ষা অর্থ (noun, pronunciation: bikkha)

Definition of Begging

Begging refers to the act of asking for money, food, or other forms of assistance from people, typically in a public place. It is often done by individuals who are in need or facing financial difficulties.

Begging Synonyms

1. Panhandling (noun, pronunciation: pan-hand-ling) – ভিক্ষা করা

2. Mendicancy (noun, pronunciation: men-di-can-cy) – ভিক্ষার্থী হওয়া

3. Beggary (noun, pronunciation: beg-ga-ry) – ভিক্ষার্থীত্ব

Begging Antonyms

1. Giving (noun, pronunciation: giv-ing) – দান

2. Charity (noun, pronunciation: char-i-ty) – দান

3. Philanthropy (noun, pronunciation: phi-lan-thro-py) – দানশীলতা

Origin of Begging

The practice of begging has been prevalent in various cultures throughout history. It is believed to have originated from the need for survival and assistance in times of hardship. In many societies, begging is seen as a means of seeking help from the more fortunate members of the community.

Nearby Words

1. Beggar (noun) – ভিক্ষুক

2. Beggarly (adjective) – ভিক্ষুকতামূলক

3. Beggarman (noun) – ভিক্ষুক

Begging in Literature Quotes

1. “Begging is not only for the poor, but also for the rich who have lost their way.” – Rabindranath Tagore (ভিক্ষা করা নির্বিশেষে দরিদ্রের জন্য নয়, বরং ধনীদের জন্য যারা পথ হারিয়ে গেছেন।)

2. “Begging is a reflection of society’s failure to provide for its most vulnerable members.” – Arundhati Roy (ভিক্ষা সমাজের ব্যর্থতার প্রতিফলন যা তার সবচেয়ে সহজপ্রাপ্ত সদস্যদের জন্য প্রদান করতে পারেনি।)

Begging Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: ভিক্ষা

Hindi: भिक्षा

Nepali: भिक्षा

Urdu: بھکاری

Tamil: கோதாட்டம்

Telugu: భిక్ష

Arabic: التسول

Chinese: 乞讨

Japanese: 物乞い

Russian: попрошайничество

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