
Bengali meanings of behests: আদেশ, নির্দেশ, আবেদন, প্রার্থনা (noun, pronunciation: bih-hests)

Definition of Behests

Behests refers to commands, orders, or requests given by someone in authority or power. It can also imply a strong and authoritative urging or demand.

Synonyms of Behests

Some synonyms of behests include instructions, directives, mandates, demands, requisitions, and orders.

Antonyms of Behests

Antonyms of behests include disobedience (অনুশাসনবিরোধ), defiance (অবাধ্যতা), and refusal (অস্বীকার).

Origin of Behests

The word behests originated from the Middle English word “bihest” which means “command” or “promise.” It can be traced back to the Old English word “behātan” which means “to promise” or “to vow.”

Nearby Words

  • Behave (verb) – আচরণ করা
  • Behavior (noun) – আচরণ
  • Behemoth (noun) – বিশাল জীব
  • Behold (verb) – দেখা
  • Beholden (adjective) – ঋণী

Behests in Literature Quotes

“At the behest of the king, the knight embarked on a perilous quest to retrieve the lost artifact.” – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (অর্থ: “রাজার আদেশে, সৈনিকটি হারিয়ে যাওয়া অস্ত্রকে ফিরিয়ে আনতে একটি বিপজ্জনক অনুষ্ঠানে অংশ নিল।”)

“The behests of the heart are often stronger than the commands of the mind.” – Khalil Gibran (অর্থ: “হৃদয়ের আদেশ মনের আদেশের চেয়ে অধিক শক্তিশালী হয়।”)

Behests Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: আদেশ
  • Hindi: आदेश
  • Nepali: आदेश
  • Urdu: حکم
  • Tamil: ஆணைகள்
  • Telugu: ఆదేశాలు
  • Arabic: أوامر
  • Chinese: 命令
  • Japanese: 命令
  • Russian: приказы

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