
Belated Meaning in Bengali: বিলম্বিত, পিছেপিছে, অনুপস্থিত, বিলম্বিতকালের, পিছেপিছের, অনুপস্থিতকালের (noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun, preposition, conjunction, interjection)

Definition and Synonyms of Belated

Belated (adjective, pronounced bih-ley-tid) refers to something that is delayed or done too late. It can also mean arriving or happening after the expected or appropriate time.

Synonyms of belated include late, tardy, delayed, overdue, behindhand, behind schedule, behind time, slow, unpunctual, and dilatory.

Antonyms of belated include early (পূর্ববর্তী), punctual (সময়ের মতো), on time (সময়ের মতো), prompt (তাড়াতাড়ি), and timely (সময়ের মতো).

Origin of Belated

The word belated originated from the combination of the prefix “be-” meaning “thoroughly” or “completely” and the word “late” meaning “after the expected or usual time.” It first appeared in the early 17th century.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to belated are:

  • Belate (verb) – to cause to be late or tardy
  • Belatedly (adverb) – in a delayed or overdue manner
  • Belatedness (noun) – the state of being delayed or happening after the expected time

Belated in Literature Quotes

Here are some quotes from literature that include the word belated:

“Better late than never.” – Proverb (দেরি হলেও ভালো)

“The belated traveler.” – William Shakespeare (পিছেপিছে ভ্রমণকারী)

“The belated apology.” – Jane Austen (বিলম্বিত ক্ষমা)

Belated Meaning in Different Languages

The word belated has the following meanings in different languages:

  • Bengali: বিলম্বিত
  • Hindi: विलंबित
  • Nepali: विलम्बित
  • Urdu: بیلیٹڈ
  • Tamil: பிரித்தமான
  • Telugu: బెలేటెడ్
  • Arabic: متأخر
  • Chinese: 迟到的
  • Japanese: 遅れた
  • Russian: опоздавший

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