
Beldam Meaning in Bengali: বেলদাম, বুড়িমা, বুড়িমার মতো মহিলা (noun, pronunciation: bel-dam)

Definition of Beldam

Beldam is a noun that refers to an old woman, especially one who is considered ugly or evil. It is often used in a derogatory or contemptuous manner.

Synonyms of Beldam

Some synonyms of beldam include hag, crone, witch, and old bag.

Antonyms of Beldam

Antonyms of beldam include beauty (সৌন্দর্য), young woman (তরুণী), and maiden (কুমারী).

Origin of Beldam

The word beldam originated from Middle English, combining the words “bel” (meaning “good” or “fair”) and “dam” (meaning “lady” or “mother”). Over time, the term evolved to refer to an old woman, often with negative connotations.

Nearby Words

  • Belch (verb) – উদ্গার করা
  • Belfry (noun) – ঘণ্টাঘর
  • Bell (noun) – ঘণ্টা
  • Belle (noun) – সুন্দরী মহিলা

Beldam in Literature Quotes

“She was a beldam, with a face that could curdle milk.” – William Shakespeare (সে একটি বেলদাম ছিল, যার মুখ দুধ কথা করতে পারে।)

“The old beldam cackled as she stirred her cauldron.” – Edgar Allan Poe (পুরানো বেলদাম তার কালড্রন আলঙ্কার করার সময় কাঁদল।)

Beldam Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: বেলদাম
  • Hindi: बेलदाम
  • Nepali: बेलदाम
  • Urdu: بیلدام
  • Tamil: பெல்டம்
  • Telugu: బెల్డాం
  • Arabic: بيلدام
  • Chinese: 老婆婆
  • Japanese: ベルダム
  • Russian: белдам

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