
Beleaguered Meaning in Bengali: বিপদগ্রস্ত, বিপদজনিত, বিপদগ্রস্ত হওয়া, বিপদগ্রস্ত হওয়ার অবস্থায় (noun, pronunciation: bi-pod-gras-to, bi-pod-jo-ni-to, bi-pod-gras-to ho-wa, bi-pod-gras-to ho-wa-r o-bos-tha-ya)

Definition of Beleaguered

(adjective, pronunciation: bi-lee-gurd)

The word “beleaguered” is an adjective that describes someone or something that is experiencing a great deal of difficulty, pressure, or trouble. It is often used to describe a person or group that is under attack or facing overwhelming challenges.

Synonyms of Beleaguered

(noun, pronunciation: sin-o-nim)

Some synonyms of “beleaguered” include besieged, harassed, troubled, oppressed, and overwhelmed.

Antonyms of Beleaguered

(noun, pronunciation: an-tuh-nim)

Antonyms of “beleaguered” include supported (সমর্থিত), assisted (সহায়তা পাওয়া), and protected (সুরক্ষিত).

Origin of Beleaguered

(noun, pronunciation: or-i-jin)

The word “beleaguered” originated from the Dutch word “belegeren,” which means “to besiege.” It entered the English language in the late 16th century.

Nearby Words

(part of speech)

Some nearby words to “beleaguered” include beleaguer, beleaguerment, beleaguering, and beleaguers (verb).

Beleaguered in Literature Quotes

(writer name, Bengali meaning)

“The beleaguered city fought valiantly against its enemies.” – John Smith (বিপদগ্রস্ত শহরটি তার শত্রুদের বিরুদ্ধে বীরত্বপূর্ণভাবে লড়াই করেছিল।)

“She felt beleaguered by her never-ending workload.” – Jane Doe (তিনি নিতান্ত বাজে কাজের দায়িত্বের কারণে বিপদগ্রস্ত মনে হয়েছিলেন।)

Beleaguered Meaning in Different Languages

(Bengali: বিপদগ্রস্ত, Hindi: बेलेगर्ड, Nepali: बेलेगर्ड, Urdu: بیلیگرڈ, Tamil: பெலீகர்ட், Telugu: బెలీగర్డ్, Arabic: محاصر, Chinese: 围困, Japanese: 包囲された, Russian: осажденный)

To learn more about the word “beleaguered,” you can visit the following sources:

By providing the Bengali meanings, part of speech, pronunciation, definition, synonyms, antonyms, origin, nearby words, literary quotes, and translations in different languages, this article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the word “beleaguered” to the readers.