
Belles-Lettres Meaning in Bengali (বেলস-লেটার বাংলা অর্থ): সুন্দর সাহিত্য, সুন্দর লেখা, সুন্দর কবিতা (noun, pronunciation: bel-let-ruh)

Belles-Lettres Definition: Belles-lettres refers to beautiful or fine literature, including poetry, novels, essays, and other literary works that are valued for their aesthetic qualities and artistic merit. It encompasses works that are considered to be of high literary value and are often appreciated for their style, language, and emotional impact.

Synonyms of Belles-Lettres: literature, literary works, creative writing, fine writing, artistic writing.

Antonyms of Belles-Lettres: nonfiction (অকাল্পনিক লেখা), technical writing (প্রযুক্তিগত লেখা), scientific writing (বৈজ্ঞানিক লেখা), academic writing (শিক্ষানবিশ লেখা).

Origin of Belles-Lettres: The term “belles-lettres” originated in France in the 17th century and translates to “beautiful letters” in English. It was used to distinguish literary works that were considered to be aesthetically pleasing and intellectually stimulating from other forms of writing.

Nearby Words:
1. Literature (noun) – সাহিত্যিক কাজ
2. Poetry (noun) – কবিতা
3. Novel (noun) – উপন্যাস
4. Essay (noun) – প্রবন্ধ
5. Fiction (noun) – কল্পনা

Belles-Lettres in Literature Quotes:
1. “A great book is a friend that never lets you down. You can return to it again and again, and it will always welcome you with open arms.” – Mark Twain (একটি মহান বই হল এমন একটি বন্ধু যা আপনাকে কখনও পতিত করে দেয় না। আপনি আবার আবার তার কাছে ফিরে যেতে পারেন এবং সে সব সময় আপনাকে উদ্বেগ ছাড়াই স্বাগত করবে।)
2. “Poetry is the language in which man explores his own amazement.” – Christopher Fry (কবিতা হল ভাষা যার মাধ্যমে মানুষ নিজের আশ্চর্য অনুসন্ধান করে।)

Belles-Lettres Meaning in Different Languages:
– Bengali: বেলস-লেটার (bel-let-ruh)
– Hindi: सुंदर साहित्य (sundar sahitya)
– Nepali: सुन्दर कविता (sundar kavita)
– Urdu: خوبصورت ادب (khubsurat adab)
– Tamil: அழகிய இலக்கணம் (azhagiya ilakkanam)
– Telugu: అందమైన సాహిత్యం (andamaina sahityam)
– Arabic: الأدب الجميل (al-adab al-jameel)
– Chinese: 美文 (měi wén)
– Japanese: 美文学 (bibungaku)
– Russian: прекрасная литература (prekrasnaya literatura)

For more information on Belles-Lettres, you can visit the following links:
– Wikipedia: [Belles-Lettres](
– [Belles-Lettres](
– The Free Dictionary: [Belles-Lettres](