
Bellicose Meaning in Bengali: যুদ্ধপ্রিয় (noun, pronunciation: bel-i-kohs)

Definition of Bellicose

Bellicose is an adjective that describes someone who is inclined to fight or engage in warfare. It refers to a person who is aggressive, hostile, or eager to start a conflict.

Synonyms of Bellicose

Some synonyms of bellicose include belligerent, combative, aggressive, pugnacious, and warlike.

Antonyms of Bellicose

Antonyms of bellicose are peaceful (শান্তিপ্রিয়), pacifist (শান্তিবাদী), nonviolent (অহিংসাবাদী), and harmonious (সামঞ্জস্যপূর্ণ).

Origin of Bellicose

The word bellicose originated from the Latin word “bellicus,” which means “warlike” or “pertaining to war.” It entered the English language in the mid-15th century.

Nearby Words

  • Belligerent (adjective) – hostile and aggressive
  • Belligerence (noun) – aggressive or warlike behavior
  • Belligerently (adverb) – in a hostile or aggressive manner
  • Bellipotent (adjective) – mighty in war

Bellicose in Literature Quotes

“In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.” – Herodotus (শান্তিতে পুত্ররা তাদের পিতাকে দাফন করে। যুদ্ধে পিতারা তাদের পুত্রকে দাফন করেন।)

“War does not determine who is right – only who is left.” – Bertrand Russell (যুদ্ধ নিশ্চয় করে না যে কে সঠিক, কেবল যে কে বাঁচে)

Bellicose Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: যুদ্ধপ্রিয়
  • Hindi: युद्धप्रिय
  • Nepali: युद्धप्रिय
  • Urdu: جنگجو
  • Tamil: போர்வெட்டுப்படுத்தும்
  • Telugu: యుద్ధప్రియ
  • Arabic: حربي
  • Chinese: 好戰的
  • Japanese: 戦闘的な
  • Russian: боевой

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