
Bellied Meaning in Bengali: পেটবৃত্ত (noun), পেটবৃত্তিক (adjective), পেটবৃত্তিক (verb)

Definition and Part of Speech

Bellied (adjective, pronounced: bel-eed) refers to something that has a bulging or rounded shape, resembling a belly. It can also be used as a verb to describe the action of swelling or bulging out.

Synonyms of Bellied

1. Bulging (পেটবৃত্তিক)
2. Rounded (গোলাকার)
3. Swollen (ফুলে উঠা)
4. Protuberant (উত্তল)
5. Distended (ফুলে উঠা)

Antonyms of Bellied

1. Flat (সমতল)
2. Sunken (ধাঁধানো)
3. Hollow (খালি)
4. Shrunken (ছোট হওয়া)
5. Emaciated (দুর্বল)

Origin of Bellied

The word “bellied” originated from the Middle English word “belly” which means the abdomen or stomach. It can be traced back to the Old English word “bælig” and the Proto-Germanic word “balgiz.”

Nearby Words

1. Belly (noun)
2. Bellyache (noun)
3. Bellyful (noun)
4. Bellybutton (noun)
5. Bellyflop (noun)

Bellied in Literature Quotes

1. “His laughter bellied out, filling the room with joy.” – Maya Angelou (তার হাসি পেটবৃত্তিক হয়ে বাড়ছে, আনন্দে ঘরটি পূর্ণ হয়ে উঠছে।)
2. “The ship’s sails bellied in the strong wind.” – Herman Melville (জাহাজের পাল শক্তিশালী বাতাসে পেটবৃত্তিক হয়ে উঠেছিল।)

Bellied Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: পেটবৃত্ত
Hindi: पेटवृत्त
Nepali: पेटवृत्त
Urdu: پیٹ برت
Tamil: வயிற்றுப்பொருள்
Telugu: వయస్సు
Arabic: بطني
Chinese: 肚子
Japanese: お腹
Russian: живот

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