
Belonging Meaning in Bengali: সংযোগ, সংলগ্নতা, সম্পর্ক, সম্পর্কিততা (noun, pronunciation: bɪˈlɔŋɪŋ)

Definition of Belonging

(noun) Belonging refers to the feeling of being connected or associated with someone or something. It is the sense of fitting in, being accepted, and having a place or purpose.

Synonyms of Belonging

(noun) Synonyms of belonging include ownership, membership, attachment, affiliation, and connection.

Antonyms of Belonging

(noun) Antonyms of belonging are detachment (বিচ্ছিন্নতা), isolation (বিচ্ছিন্নতা), alienation (পরদেশীকরণ), and estrangement (বিমুখীভাব).

Origin of Belonging

The word “belonging” originated from the Middle English word “belongen,” which means “to be the property of.” It can be traced back to the Old English word “gelang,” meaning “at hand” or “together with.”

Nearby Words

  • Belong (verb)
  • Belongings (noun)
  • Belonger (noun)
  • Belonged (verb)
  • Belongable (adjective)

Belonging in Literature Quotes

“Home is where one starts from.” – T.S. Eliot (বাড়ি হলো যেখান থেকে এক শুরু হয়।)

“To belong nowhere is a blessing and a curse, like any kind of freedom.” – Leah Stewart (কোথাও সংযোগিত না হওয়া একটি আশীর্বাদ এবং একটি অভিশাপ, যেমন যেকোনো ধরণের স্বাধীনতা।)

Belonging Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: সংযোগ
  • Hindi: संबंध
  • Nepali: सम्बन्ध
  • Urdu: تعلق
  • Tamil: உடன்பிறப்பு
  • Telugu: సంబంధం
  • Arabic: الانتماء
  • Chinese: 归属
  • Japanese: 所属
  • Russian: принадлежность

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