
Benchmark Meaning in Bengali: বেঞ্চমার্ক, মানদণ্ড, পরিমাপমান, মানসমূহ (noun, /ˈbɛntʃmɑːrk/)

Definition of Benchmark

(noun, /ˈbɛntʃmɑːrk/)

A benchmark is a standard or point of reference against which things can be compared or measured. It is a known value or set of values used as a basis for evaluating or judging something. Benchmarks are often used in various fields, such as finance, technology, and performance evaluation, to assess the performance or quality of something.

Benchmark Synonyms

(noun, /ˈbɛntʃmɑːrk/)

  • Standard – মানদণ্ড
  • Criterion – মানদণ্ড
  • Reference point – পরিমাপমান
  • Guideline – মার্গনির্দেশিকা
  • Yardstick – মানদণ্ড

Benchmark Antonyms

(noun, /ˈbɛntʃmɑːrk/)

  • Deviation – পথভ্রষ্টতা
  • Anomaly – ব্যতিক্রম
  • Aberration – বিপথ
  • Inconsistency – অস্থিরতা
  • Irregularity – অনিয়মিততা

Origin of Benchmark

(noun, /ˈbɛntʃmɑːrk/)

The term “benchmark” originated from the practice of using a physical mark or point on a bench to measure the height or level of other objects. It was commonly used in surveying and construction to ensure accuracy and consistency in measurements. Over time, the term expanded its meaning to include any standard or reference point used for comparison.

Nearby Words

  • Bench – noun (বেঞ্চ)
  • Benchwarmer – noun (বেঞ্চে বসানো খেলোয়াড়)
  • Bench press – noun (বেঞ্চ প্রেস)
  • Benchtop – adjective (বেঞ্চের উপর রাখা)
  • Bench warrant – noun (বেঞ্চ ওয়ারেন্ট)

Benchmark in Literature Quotes

“Success is not the benchmark of greatness.” – William Shakespeare (সাফল্য মহানত্বের মানদণ্ড নয়।)

“The benchmark of a civilized society is how it treats its most vulnerable members.” – Mahatma Gandhi (সভ্য সমাজের মানদণ্ড হলো যেভাবে সবচেয়ে সহজলভ্য সদস্যদের সম্মান করে।)

Benchmark Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: বেঞ্চমার্ক
  • Hindi: मानदण्ड
  • Nepali: मानक
  • Urdu: معیار
  • Tamil: மாநிலம்
  • Telugu: మానదండం
  • Arabic: نقطة مرجعية
  • Chinese: 基准
  • Japanese: 基準
  • Russian: эталон

For more information, you can visit the Wikipedia page on Benchmark. You can also find the meaning of benchmark on and The Free Dictionary.