
Benefication Meaning in Bengali: উপকারিতা, সুবিধা, সুখপ্রদত্তা (noun, pronunciation: ben-uh-fi-key-shuhn)

Definition of Benefication

Benefication refers to the act of providing benefits or advantages to someone or something. It is the process of improving or enhancing the quality or value of a particular thing or situation.

Synonyms of Benefication

1. Advancement (উন্নতি, noun)
2. Enrichment (সমৃদ্ধিকরণ, noun)
3. Enhancement (উন্নতি, noun)
4. Improvement (উন্নতি, noun)
5. Amelioration (উন্নতি, noun)

Antonyms of Benefication

1. Detriment (ক্ষতি, noun)
2. Harm (ক্ষতি, noun)
3. Loss (ক্ষতি, noun)
4. Disadvantage (অসুবিধা, noun)
5. Impairment (ক্ষতি, noun)

Origin of Benefication

The word “benefication” originated from the Latin word “beneficium,” which means “benefit” or “favor.” It entered the English language in the mid-16th century.

Nearby Words

1. Benefactor (noun) – উপকারক
2. Beneficial (adjective) – উপকারী
3. Benefit (noun) – সুবিধা
4. Beneficiary (noun) – উপকারী
5. Beneficially (adverb) – উপকারে

Benefication in Literature Quotes

1. “The greatest benefication one can offer is the gift of knowledge.” – Albert Einstein (সবচেয়ে বড় উপকারিতা হলো জ্ঞানের উপহার।)

2. “Kindness is the ultimate benefication that can heal the world.” – Mother Teresa (দয়া বিশ্বকে সুস্থ করতে পারে সবচেয়ে বড় উপকারিতা।)

Benefication Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: উপকারিতা
Hindi: लाभ
Nepali: लाभ
Urdu: فائدہ
Tamil: பயன்
Telugu: ప్రయోజనం
Arabic: فائدة
Chinese: 利益
Japanese: 利益
Russian: выгода

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