
Benevolent Meaning in Bengali: উদার, দয়ালু, করুণাময়, সদয়, সহৃদয়, প্রশান্ত (noun, pronunciation: ben-uh-vuh-luhnt)

Definition of Benevolent

Benevolent is an adjective that describes someone or something that is kind, generous, and well-meaning. It refers to a person or an organization that has a desire to do good and help others without expecting anything in return.

Synonyms of Benevolent

Some synonyms of benevolent include:

  • Kind (উদার)
  • Generous (উদার)
  • Compassionate (দয়ালু)
  • Charitable (দানশীল)
  • Altruistic (সদয়)

Antonyms of Benevolent

Some antonyms of benevolent include:

  • Selfish (স্বার্থপর)
  • Cruel (ক্রূর)
  • Greedy (লোভী)
  • Malevolent (অনিষ্টকারী)
  • Heartless (নির্দয়)

Origin of Benevolent

The word benevolent originated from the Latin word “benevolens,” which is a combination of “bene” meaning “well” and “volens” meaning “wishing.” It entered the English language in the 15th century.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to benevolent include:

  • Benevolence (noun)
  • Benevolently (adverb)
  • Benevolentness (noun)
  • Benevolist (noun)

Benevolent in Literature Quotes

Here are some quotes from literature that include the word benevolent:

  • “A kind heart is a fountain of gladness, making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles.” – Washington Irving (একটি উদার হৃদয় আনন্দের একটি ফোয়ারা, যা তার আশেপাশের সবকিছুকে হাসির মধ্যে পরিণত করে।)
  • “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” – Aesop (যেকোনো ছোট ছোট দয়ার কোনো কাজটি কখনও ব্যর্থ হয় না।)

Benevolent Meaning in Different Languages

The word benevolent has similar meanings in different languages:

  • Bengali: উদার
  • Hindi: उदार
  • Nepali: उदार
  • Urdu: ادار
  • Tamil: உதாரணமான
  • Telugu: ఉదారమైన
  • Arabic: كريم
  • Chinese: 仁慈的
  • Japanese: 慈善の
  • Russian: благотворительный

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