Benignancy Meaning in Bengali: সদয়তা, মৃদুতা, সৌম্যতা, সুশীলতা (noun, pronunciation: bih-nahy-guh n-see)
Definition of Benignancy
Benignancy refers to the quality or state of being kind, gentle, or harmless. It is derived from the word “benign,” which means showing kindness or gentleness. Benignancy is often used to describe a person’s character or behavior that is not harmful or threatening.
Synonyms of Benignancy
Some synonyms of benignancy include:
- Kindness (সদয়তা)
- Gentleness (মৃদুতা)
- Tenderness (সৌম্যতা)
- Goodness (সুশীলতা)
Antonyms of Benignancy
Some antonyms of benignancy include:
- Cruelty (ক্রূরতা)
- Harshness (কঠোরতা)
- Malice (মন্দতা)
- Hostility (শত্রুতা)
Origin of Benignancy
The word “benignancy” originated from the Latin word “benignus,” meaning kind or favorable. It entered the English language in the early 17th century.
Nearby Words
Some nearby words related to benignancy include:
- Benign (adjective) – showing kindness or gentleness
- Benignly (adverb) – in a kind or gentle manner
- Benignity (noun) – the quality of being kind or gentle
Benignancy in Literature Quotes
Here are some quotes from literature that mention benignancy:
“Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” – Mark Twain (সদয়তা হল ঐ ভাষা যা বাধ্যবাধক শুনতে পারে এবং অন্ধ দেখতে পারে।)
“Gentleness is the antidote for cruelty.” – Lao Tzu (মৃদুতা হল ক্রূরতার বিরোধী ঔষধ।)
Benignancy Meaning in Different Languages
Here is the meaning of benignancy in different languages:
- Bengali: সদয়তা
- Hindi: दयालुता
- Nepali: दयालुता
- Urdu: مہربانی
- Tamil: அன்புமிகுதி
- Telugu: సౌమ్యత
- Arabic: لطف
- Chinese: 仁慈 (rén cí)
- Japanese: 優しさ (yasashisa)
- Russian: доброта (dobrota)
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