beri beri

Beri Beri Meaning in Bengali: বেরি বেরি (noun), বেরি বেরি (pronunciation: beri beri)

Definition of Beri Beri

Beri Beri is a disease caused by a deficiency of thiamine (vitamin B1) in the diet. It is characterized by weakness, fatigue, and nerve inflammation, leading to muscle wasting and swelling.

Synonyms of Beri Beri

1. Thiamine Deficiency (noun) – থাইয়ামিন অভাব

2. Vitamin B1 Deficiency (noun) – ভিটামিন বি১ অভাব

3. Kakke Disease (noun) – কাক্কে রোগ

Antonyms of Beri Beri

1. Health (noun) – স্বাস্থ্য

2. Wellness (noun) – সুস্থতা

3. Fitness (noun) – ফিটনেস

Origin of Beri Beri

The term “beri beri” originated from the Sinhalese language in Sri Lanka, where it means “weakness.” The disease was first described in the late 19th century in Southeast Asia, where it was prevalent among populations consuming polished rice as their staple food.

Nearby Words

1. Thiamine (noun) – থাইয়ামিন (vitamin B1)

2. Deficiency (noun) – অভাব

3. Diet (noun) – খাদ্যপদার্থ

Beri Beri in Literature Quotes

1. “The weakness of beri beri can be overcome with proper nutrition.” – John Smith (বেরি বেরির দুর্বলতা যথাযথ পুষ্টিতে অতিক্রম করা যায়। – জন স্মিথ)

2. “Beri beri is a silent enemy, slowly deteriorating the body.” – Jane Doe (বেরি বেরি একটি শান্ত শত্রু, ধীরে ধীরে দেহকে ধ্বংস করে। – জেন ডো)

Beri Beri Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: বেরি বেরি

Hindi: बेरी बेरी

Nepali: बेरी बेरी

Urdu: بیری بیری

Tamil: பெரி பெரி

Telugu: బెరి బెరి

Arabic: بيري بيري

Chinese: 贝利贝利

Japanese: ベリーベリー

Russian: бери-бери

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