
Berries Meaning in Bengali: বেরি (noun), বেরির মতো (adjective), বেরি বেরি করা (verb)

Definition of Berries

(noun) Berries are small, pulpy fruits that are typically round, juicy, and brightly colored. They are often used in cooking, baking, and making jams and jellies.

Synonyms of Berries

(noun) fruits, drupes, pomes, stone fruits, pomaceous fruits

Antonyms of Berries

(noun) vegetables, legumes, grains, tubers, roots

Origin of Berries

The word “berries” originated from the Old English word “berie” which means “berry” or “fruit”.

Nearby Words

(noun) fruit, apple, orange, grape, cherry

Berries in Literature Quotes

“Life is a bowl of cherries.” – Erma Bombeck (জীবন একটি বেরির বাটি যেখানে বেরি দিয়ে পূর্ণ হয়ে থাকে।)

“The blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice.” – Tupac Shakur (যে বেরি কালো তার রস তারই মিষ্টি।)

Berries Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: বেরি, Hindi: बेरी, Nepali: बेरी, Urdu: بیری, Tamil: பெரி, Telugu: బెర్రీ, Arabic: توت, Chinese: 浆果, Japanese: ベリー, Russian: ягоды

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