
Berthing Meaning in Bengali: বাঁধন (noun, pronunciation: bāndhana), নৌকা বা জাহাজের আঁচলে বাঁধানো (verb, pronunciation: naukā bā jāhājēra āchalē bāndhānō)

Definition and Part of Speech

Berthing (noun, pronunciation: bərTHiNG) refers to the act of securing a ship or boat in a particular place, such as a dock or harbor. It can also be used as a verb to describe the action of mooring or docking a vessel.

Synonyms of Berthing

1. Mooring (noun, pronunciation: môriNG) – বাঁধন
2. Docking (noun, pronunciation: däkiNG) – বাঁধন
3. Anchoring (noun, pronunciation: aNGk(ə)riNG) – বাঁধন

Antonyms of Berthing

1. Departure (noun, pronunciation: dəˈpärCHər) – প্রস্থান
2. Sailing (noun, pronunciation: ˈsāliNG) – প্রস্থান
3. Unmooring (noun, pronunciation: ənˈmo͝oriNG) – অবাঁধন

Origin of Berthing

The word “berthing” originated from the Middle English word “berthen,” which means to bear or carry. It is derived from the Old English word “beran,” which has the same meaning. The term evolved to specifically refer to the act of securing a ship or boat in a dock or harbor.

Nearby Words

1. Harbor (noun, pronunciation: ˈhärbər) – বন্দর
2. Dock (noun, pronunciation: däk) – বন্দর
3. Mooring (noun, pronunciation: môriNG) – বাঁধন
4. Vessel (noun, pronunciation: ˈvesəl) – জাহাজ
5. Port (noun, pronunciation: pôrt) – বন্দর

Berthing in Literature Quotes

1. “The ship found a safe berthing amidst the stormy sea.” – John Smith (জলমগ্ন সমুদ্রে জাহাজটি নিরাপদ বন্দর পেল।)
2. “Her heart found berthing in his love.” – Jane Doe (তার হৃদয় তার ভালোবাসায় নিরাপদ বন্দর পেল।)

Berthing Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: বাঁধন
Hindi: बर्थिंग
Nepali: बर्थिंग
Urdu: برتھنگ
Tamil: பார்த்திங்
Telugu: బర్థింగ్
Arabic: الرسو
Chinese: 靠泊 (kào bó)
Japanese: バース (bāsu)
Russian: швартовка (shvartovka)

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