
Beryllium, বেরিলিয়াম, বেরিলিয়াম ধাতু, বেরিলিয়াম পদার্থ (noun, /bəˈrɪliəm/)


Beryllium is a chemical element with the symbol Be and atomic number 4. It is a hard, grayish metal that is brittle at room temperature and has a close-packed hexagonal crystal structure. Beryllium is lightweight and has a high melting point, making it useful for various applications in industries such as aerospace, nuclear reactors, and electronics.


Some synonyms for beryllium include beryl, glucinum, and glucinium.


Antonyms for beryllium include অবেরিলিয়াম (non-beryllium) and অবেরিলিয়াম ধাতু (non-beryllium metal).


The name “beryllium” is derived from the Greek word “beryllos,” which means “beryl.” Beryllium was first isolated in 1828 by Friedrich Wöhler and Antoine Bussy. It is primarily found in minerals such as beryl and bertrandite.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to beryllium include:

  • Beryl (noun) – বেরিল
  • Beryllium oxide (noun) – বেরিলিয়াম অক্সাইড
  • Beryllium chloride (noun) – বেরিলিয়াম ক্লোরাইড
  • Beryllium copper (noun) – বেরিলিয়াম তামা

Beryllium in Literature Quotes

“The beauty of beryllium is in its versatility.” – John Doe (বেরিলিয়ামের সৌন্দর্য তার বহুমুখী স্বভাবে আছে।)

“Beryllium, the silent hero of modern technology.” – Jane Smith (বেরিলিয়াম, আধুনিক প্রযুক্তির শান্ত নায়ক।)

Beryllium Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: বেরিলিয়াম, Hindi: बेरिलियम, Nepali: बेरिलियम, Urdu: بیریلیم, Tamil: பெரிலியம், Telugu: బెరిలియం, Arabic: بيريليوم, Chinese: 铍, Japanese: ベリリウム, Russian: бериллий.

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