
Beseeched Meaning in Bengali: অনুরোধ করা, প্রার্থনা করা, বিনয় করা (verb, pronunciation: bi-sichd)

Definition of Beseeched

Beseeched is the past tense and past participle form of the verb beseech. It is derived from the Old English word besecan, meaning “to seek earnestly or urgently.” When someone is beseeched, they are being fervently and desperately implored or requested to do something.

Synonyms of Beseeched

Some synonyms of beseeched include implored, entreated, begged, pleaded, and supplicated. These words all convey the sense of earnestly and desperately asking someone for something.

Antonyms of Beseeched

Antonyms of beseeched include refused (প্রত্যাখ্যান), denied (অস্বীকার), and rejected (প্রত্যাহার). These words represent the opposite action of granting or fulfilling a request.

Origin of Beseeched

The word beseeched originated from the Old English word besecan, which is a combination of the prefix be- (meaning “thoroughly” or “intensively”) and the verb secan (meaning “to seek”). Over time, the word evolved to its current form and usage.

Nearby Words

  • Beseechingly (adverb) – in a beseeching manner
  • Beseecher (noun) – a person who beseeches or implores
  • Beseeching (adjective) – expressing earnest or desperate pleading

Beseeched in Literature Quotes

“She beseeched him to reconsider his decision.” – Jane Austen (তিনি তাঁর সিদ্ধান্ত পুনর্বিবেচনা করার জন্য তাঁকে বিনয় করে অনুরোধ করলেন।)

“He beseeched the heavens for forgiveness.” – William Shakespeare (তিনি ক্ষমা পেতে আকাশবাত বিনয় করলেন।)

Beseeched Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: অনুরোধ করা
  • Hindi: विनय करना
  • Nepali: अनुरोध गर्नु
  • Urdu: التجا کرنا
  • Tamil: கேட்டுக்கோள் செய்
  • Telugu: అభీష్టం చేయు
  • Arabic: التمس
  • Chinese: 懇求 (kěnqiú)
  • Japanese: 懇願する (kongansuru)
  • Russian: умолять (umolyat’)

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