
Besmear meaning in Bengali: মলিন করা, মলিন করে লেপ্ত করা, মলিন করে লেপ্ত করা (verb, pronunciation: bih-smir)

Definition of Besmear

Besmear is a verb that means to smear or cover something with a dirty or sticky substance. It is often used to describe the act of making something dirty or stained by applying a substance to it.

Besmear Synonyms

Some synonyms of besmear include smudge, soil, stain, dirty, defile, and sully.

Besmear Antonyms

Antonyms of besmear include cleanse (পরিষ্কার করা), purify (শুদ্ধ করা), and sanitize (স্বাস্থ্যকর করা).

Origin of Besmear

The word “besmear” originated from the Middle English word “besmeren,” which means to smear or soil. It can be traced back to the Old English word “besmirian,” which has a similar meaning.

Nearby Words

  • Besmirch (verb) – মলিন করা, মলিন করে লেপ্ত করা
  • Besmirched (adjective) – মলিত, মলিন করা
  • Besmearer (noun) – মলিন করা ব্যক্তি

Besmear in Literature Quotes

“Her face was besmeared with dirt, but her eyes shone with determination.” – Jane Austen (তার মুখ মলিন করা ছিল, তবে তার চোখ সংকল্প দিয়ে উজ্জ্বল ছিল।)

“He besmeared his reputation by spreading false rumors.” – William Shakespeare (তিনি মিথ্যা অফবোধ ছড়িয়ে তাঁর সুনামের মলিন করে দিলেন।)

Besmear Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: মলিন করা
  • Hindi: मलिन करना
  • Nepali: मलिन गर्नु
  • Urdu: ملین کرنا
  • Tamil: மண்ணுடன் மாற்று
  • Telugu: మిట్టుపై మార్చు
  • Arabic: تلطخ
  • Chinese: 弄脏
  • Japanese: 汚す
  • Russian: пачкать

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