
Besot Meaning in Bengali: মুগ্ধ করা, মুগ্ধ করে দেওয়া, মুগ্ধ করা, মুগ্ধ করে দেওয়া (verb, pronunciation: bih-sot)

Definition of Besot

Besot is a verb that means to make someone infatuated or obsessed with something or someone. It refers to the act of captivating or enchanting someone to the point of losing their rationality or judgment.

Besot Synonyms

Some synonyms of besot include bewitch, captivate, enchant, fascinate, infatuate, mesmerize, and spellbind.

Besot Antonyms

Antonyms of besot are disillusion, disenchant, repel, repulse, and deter.

Origin of Besot

The word besot originated from the combination of the prefix “be-” and the word “sot.” The prefix “be-” intensifies the meaning of the word, while “sot” comes from the Middle English word “sotten,” meaning to stupefy or make foolish.

Nearby Words

  • Besotted: adjective, মুগ্ধ, প্রমত্ত
  • Besotting: adjective, মুগ্ধকর
  • Besotment: noun, মুগ্ধকরণ

Besot in Literature Quotes

“Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs.” – William Shakespeare (ভালোবাসা হল শ্বাসহীন ধোঁয়ার ধুমে তৈরি একটি ধোঁয়া।)

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller (বিশ্বের সবচেয়ে ভালো এবং সুন্দর জিনিসগুলি দেখা বা স্পর্শ করা যায় না। তাদের হৃদয়ে অনুভূতি করা উচিত।)

Besot Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: মুগ্ধ করা
  • Hindi: मोहित करना
  • Nepali: मोहित गर्नु
  • Urdu: مغرور کرنا
  • Tamil: மயக்கப்படுத்து
  • Telugu: ముగ్ధం చేయు
  • Arabic: يجن
  • Chinese: 使迷惑
  • Japanese: 魅了する
  • Russian: очаровывать

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