
Bespangle Meaning in Bengali: প্রস্তুত করা, সাজানো, সুশোভিত করা (verb, pronunciation: bih-spang-guhl)

Definition of Bespangle

Bespangle is a verb that means to decorate or adorn something with small, bright objects, such as sequins or glitter. It is often used to describe the act of adding sparkle or shine to an object or surface.

Synonyms of Bespangle

Some synonyms of bespangle include embellish, bedeck, deck out, ornament, and beautify.

Antonyms of Bespangle

Antonyms of bespangle include strip, bare, undress, and disrobe.

Origin of Bespangle

The word bespangle originated from the combination of the prefix “be-” and the word “spangle.” The term “spangle” comes from the Old French word “espangle,” which means a small, shiny object or ornament.

Nearby Words

  • Spangle: noun, a small, thin piece of metal or plastic used for decoration.
  • Sparkle: verb, to shine brightly with small flashes of light.
  • Glitter: noun, tiny pieces of shiny material used for decoration.
  • Adorn: verb, to decorate or add beauty to something.

Bespangle in Literature Quotes

“Her dress was bespangled with sequins, making her the center of attention at the party.” – Jane Austen (তার পোশাকটি সিকুইনস দ্বারা সাজানো ছিল, যা তাকে পার্টিতে কেন্দ্র করছিল।)

“The night sky was bespangled with stars, creating a breathtaking view.” – William Shakespeare (রাতের আকাশটি তারাদ্বারা সাজানো ছিল, যা অবাক করা দৃশ্য তৈরি করছিল।)

Bespangle Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: প্রস্তুত করা, সাজানো

Hindi: सजाना, अलंकृत करना

Nepali: सजाउनु, अलंकृत गर्नु

Urdu: سجانا، آراستہ کرنا

Tamil: அழகாக்கு, அழகப்படுத்து

Telugu: అలంకరించు, అలంకరించుట

Arabic: زين, زخرف

Chinese: 装饰, 点缀

Japanese: 飾る, 装飾する

Russian: украшать, украшать

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