
Bespeak Meaning in Bengali: অর্থঃ প্রকাশ করা, প্রকাশ করা, প্রকাশ করা (verb, pronunciation: bih-speek)

Definition of Bespeak

Bespeak is a verb that means to indicate, show, or suggest something. It can also mean to order or reserve something in advance.

Bespeak Synonyms

Some synonyms of bespeak are indicate, demonstrate, manifest, reveal, suggest, reserve, order, and request.

Bespeak Antonyms

Antonyms of bespeak include hide, conceal, suppress, deny, refuse, cancel, and reject.

Origin of Bespeak

The word bespeak originated from the Old English word besprecan, which means to speak about or speak against. It evolved over time to its current meaning.

Nearby Words

  • beseech (verb) – to ask someone urgently and fervently to do something
  • beset (verb) – to trouble or harass persistently
  • besiege (verb) – to surround a place with armed forces to capture it
  • besmirch (verb) – to damage the reputation of someone or something

Bespeak in Literature Quotes

“The eyes are the windows to the soul, and they bespeak volumes without saying a word.” – William Shakespeare (চোখগুলি আত্মার জন্য জানালা, এবং তারা কিছুই বলছে না বলার মাধ্যমে অনেক কিছু প্রকাশ করে।)

“A smile can bespeak kindness and warmth even in the darkest of times.” – Helen Keller (একটি হাসি অন্ধকারের সময়েও সদয় এবং তাপমাত্রা প্রকাশ করতে পারে।)

Bespeak Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: প্রকাশ করা
  • Hindi: प्रकट करना
  • Nepali: प्रकट गर्नु
  • Urdu: ظاہر کرنا
  • Tamil: காட்டு
  • Telugu: చూపించు
  • Arabic: يدل على
  • Chinese: 表明
  • Japanese: 示す
  • Russian: указывать

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